
How to increase traffic to my website in less time?

by Guest21323  |  earlier

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I've a personal website and I wish to increase traffic to this website in less time. I'm not expert in SEO, can anyone suggest me how to get more traffic in less time?




  1. Your best bet is to educate yourself enough to get thing started and then hire someone to do it.


  2. There is lots of good info here, there's not much I can add without being redundant.  However, you can get your site submitted to for a free one way link which will help your site's SEO in the long run.  Hope this helps!

  3. hi there.

    i run own biz of web site marketing our web site is url:

    i am offer u directory submission only 25$ we can submit 1500+ directories

    with in 3-4 mounts you site in google top 3 pages at your keywords

    best regards,


  4. see to get traffic in less time

  5. There are plenty of ways to promote your site.

    1)Article Marketing

    Really a powerful method in getting audience. Write a good article based on your niche topic and submit it in article directories. Just go to google or yahoo and search for "free article directories". It will suggest you a host of directories that you can easily submit your writings. When people surf in that certain directory, they might stumble into your article and you got all the fame needed to be successful in Internet Marketing.


    This method is just like the article writing. You write what you want but good contents for your audience in blogs. The better you got, the more audience you get. You can also submit the same contents that you wrote in blogs in article directories. You get instant viewers if your article is in top 10 within your niche

    3)Offer free stuffs

    It's always good to get free stuffs. Everyone likes it.So offer some free stuffs such as e-books or software for your audience. You will get a good, loyal and repeating audience. If you are looking for FREE e-books to market it in your site, check out this link. provides a host of e-books on internet marketing. The e-books will be updated weekly. So hurry up and get your best one soon.

    4)E-mail Marketing

    It's as easy as ABC. Just promote your site to all your online contacts using e-mail.Write a good email that will attract your audience. If you got the contents right and able to convince your contacts , you are on your way to success.

    5)SEO-Search Engine Optimization

    Check out for HOT tips on s****.>
    6)You Tube Videos

    Use free videos from you tube and paste the links in your site. People like video tutorials better than articles or e-books.

  6. In addition to what others have answered here I would add followings:

    1) Optimize your web pages for content

    This is very important, most people think that link building is more important than the content itself. But you can't undermine the importance of Web pages themselves. Optimize your web pages for the most relevant keywords.

    If you have keywords that can have different category then better add separate page for them

    2) Optimize pages for title and metatags

    In addition to content each page has to be optimized for title and mettags.

    It is pitty that most people only focus on home page and ignore rest of pages.

    3) Social Media Optimization

    SMO is another way for increasing the traffic directly.

    The details of SMO and what you can do for SMO can be found on

    4) Relevant, interesting and useful content

    Let your web pages have unique and interesting content which are useful for visitors and who can keep coming back to your website.

    Always keep updating your content if you can.

    5) Blog

    Blogs are dynamic and easy to promote. They can be used to bring traffic to your main website.

    6) Articles

    Write articles and provide links to your main website.

    There are plenty of other ways which are dependent on type of website you have.

    Hope this helps

  7. Look

  8. There is no easy way. It takes time & effort. The best way is make your site interesting with original articles. Have a look at our tutorial website

  9. Hello,

    Best way to get good traffic ?

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is your starting point for getting traffic. After all, Google has to "like" your web pages, and people have to be able to find them. All SEO means is making your pages human and Google friendly.

    Your website needs seo friendly search engines. The first criterion (often overlooked) is to have great content! Your goal is to build traffic. Why would anyone even want to come to your website if there's nothing interesting there to see?

    Your pages need to be built around specific keyword phrases that people use to find sites like yours. How do you know what keyword phrases people use to search? use some keyword tools.

    Another great "free" way to create traffic is to write articles (like the one you're reading) and put them on article directories. Readers see the articles and click through your links to your site. This is a great way to get qualified traffic!

    You have to do some link building process for your websites:

    Link building methods:

    1. Submission to directories

    2. Article Directory Submissions

    3. Blog Comment

    4. Forum Postings

    5. Link exchanges

    Use this process we can get traffic easily....

    If your need for more information about how can you promote your site just click on the below link :

    good luck.....

    with regards,


  10. Use KISS technique - Keep It Simple Stupid ! easy navigation while following the rules. Don't pay for visitors, organic traffic is the only way to go!

    Use simple SEO techniques, such as proper headers, good page titles, use the source I have listed below as a good title finder, the informs of hot trends and any related topics, and these trends do grab traffic. Some trends I have added in the past got me serious traffic quick in one to two days. I used to use google or yahoos trend areas, but this site is just endless with titles, so I use them now, lol...  One trend got me over 2000 uniques in the first hour after being crawled by major search engines...


    Here is an article on Pay-Per-Click advertising. PPC is an excellent way of increasing site traffic in a short period of time. You can set up an AdWords account via the following link:

    Be sure to read the article I gave you so you know what you're doing. For a small amount of money, you could get a lot of new people visiting your website through Google searches and via other websites with content similar to yours who display AdSense ads.

    Hope that helps!

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