
How to induce a complete hypnotic trance?

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Does anyone know how to induce a full, complete hypnotic trance? I'm able to fall into a pseudo-trance state, where I'm aware of what's happening, but can still channel spirits, however, I want to go into a state where I am nearly or completely unconscious, so that the spirits said to be inside of me can come forth and speak.

Please, no skeptics or critics. I know this sounds ridiculous and even plainly stupid, but I'm aware of my decision.

What does it take to enter such a state? I want to be able to come back when summoned, of course, but I feel that a trance of professional calibur (the type therapists use for age-regression hypnosis) is the only way to acheive such a state of mind.

Any tips or guidelines which can ensure I get into this state?




  1. I replied to your other question and the same advice goes for this question too.

    Here are some sites that you might be interested in though.

  2. I have seen this in Pentecostal churches. There they use loud music, loud preaching, and it helps that everyone beside them are dancing around in trances themselves. I have seen them fall on the floor and roll around thus the nickname Holy Roller.

  3. Hello

    hypnosis ~ to induce hypnosis you need time, there are some excellent self hypnosis scripts out there.

    spirit ~ we do not have spirits inside of us, we are spirit & we have a higher spiritual self, but other spirits do not live within our energy systems.

    To contact spirit you do not need a hypnotic state, you need to be calm, open to spirit, which can take time to develop. So you need to look more at meditation.


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  4. Why if one can eliminate the surrounding influences by concentration, even painful for the other to sustain a trained aura?

  5. Pseudo-trance?  Pseudo something perhaps, but not a trance.  If you are conscious then you aren't in a trance.  However, just because you're hypnotized doesn't mean you're contacting dead people.  Those who are under hypnosis are notoriously dishonest when persuaded to be so.

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