
How to initiate tackling global warming - releasing tips or moving to solve the problem from the grass root?

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How to initiate tackling global warming - releasing tips or moving to solve the problem from the grass root?




  1. We at a stage where we have done enough damage to our Earth. The need of the hour is to solve the problem from the grass root level which will help us retain the Earth's environment for a longer period of time and at the same time work on some tips so that the level of global warming slows down from this very second. Solving the problem from grass root level will some time to penetrate into the system, so I think small initiatives at the individual level should encouraged. Both the processes should go hand in hand as following only one will not help in the long run.

    We talk about all this, attend "Global Warming" conferences, blame the third person for this mess, but never try to initiate, thinking that we are too small to make this happen. But we need to realise that the cumulative efforts of all the people will save our Earth from destruction.

  2. You tackle global warming like anything else:  Ignore the fancy footwork, keep your eyes on the numbers, and hit it head on.  Eventually we'll bring this silly notion of man-made global warming down.

  3. You can not stop Global Warming!   Global Warming will occur with or without human beings living on earth!   If every car in the US would cease to function there would be no appreciable change!  Global Warming is a normal occurrence, just like the many thousands of GW's that have come and gone in the past!

  4. It is a process which will take time and it will succeed only if done devotionally.

    We have to look at 2 aspect

    1- How to increase cooling

    2- How to reduce warming

    1. Plant more trees,and try so save water from every possible ways, reduce the usage of electricity - like ovens / refrigerator / Car /Vehicles/ , etc.

    2. Pray to God, fast in the name of religion atleast 12 days a year or once a month, here u would not be cooking so atleast once a month. This effect would be great because

    -Food grains can be conserved.

    -Fire would not be used

    -Gas/Electric would be saved

    -Micro element of heating would be saved.

    The list is long

  5. evolution is a sadistic process of mutation which constantly changes to reach some perfection. else what global warming was there during the ice age. it terminated on its own? this time nature has chosen human kind as its stimulus for evolving the world into some other form. we can only wait and watch

  6. After years of debate, consensus among most of the world's scientists holds that we are warming the planet. Unless we take steps now to curb global warming, our way of life, our planet, and our children are all in grave danger. There is hope. Each us can make simple decisions that will reduce global warming pollution. The Sierra Club is working with churches, labor unions, mayors and state governments to bring about a cleaner, smarter energy future.

    The links below contain information related to charitable activities of The Sierra Club on behalf of this issue. Only activities which qualify as charitable activity are funded by The Sierra Club Foundation.

  7. individually you can do a lot of things like

    do not waste water, plant trees, do not cut trees, car pooling, don't drive the car sitting alone save petrol, use less paper in office, teach everybody to follow these good environment friendly habits. for more go to and get lots of answers

  8. Hello Dr.Dayal sir

    Global Warming will be solved from the Grass root Level.

    1.Ban on Burning of Thermocool/Tyre/Plastics

    2.Using of Aerosil Can to be reduced

    3.the level of CLORO FLORO CARBON to be reduced.

    4.A/C - Cooler should be Eco friendly

    5.Emission of Carbon Monoxide in Air to be reduced.

    6.Use of Perfume/Toxic Creams to be reduced

    7.Balloon filled with Helium Gas to be Banned

    8.Alternative Packing  in the place of Thermocool.

    ( Paper/Clothes/paddy Straw/Coconut Husk to be used)

    9.People come forwade to Run cycle upto 5 or 10 kms.

    10. All items like Tyre/Damaged cars/Broken toys,cycle and unwanted items to send for Recycle.

    Dr.Dayal sir can send e.mail to me. I will send one file


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