
How to install remodel box for electric outlet?

by  |  earlier

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I want to use a remodel ('old-work') box to relocate an outlet (minimial drywal removall), but I want to attach directly to the stud. Can I s***w the inside of the box to the stud or will altering/having metal within the box violate a code?




  1. I will answer your question with another question. If you do not know how to use the box to install a receptacle what makes you think you are qualified to do electrical work? I understand homeowners doing their own plumbing, if you s***w up there is a leak, or you can smell something is wrong. If you s***w up in electrical work you will kill someone or start a fire. I hope the $60 you save by moving your outlet by your self does not cost someone their life.

  2. You are defeating the purpose of the old work  box,  they are strong enough on the sheet rock for general purposes and the receptacle will not take any more pressure. But it's up to you.

  3. In short, no you can't, s******g through the box would indeed be a violation.  It will NOT pass inspection unless its listed for use in sush a way.  .  NFPA 70E states it has to be listed for use, a nail can pass through within 1/4" of the back of the box  if its listed etc etc..  even that may have been recently changed I don't recall exactly.  Most old work boxes are not.  Some are made with 2 screws inside them already I think there called smart boxes, but you have to watch your wire fill with those.  Anyhow get a nail-on box there less than a dollar

  4. no that would be fine so long as you don't leave the s***w protruding where it would contact the wires.

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