
How to install your own Solar and wind power system?

by  |  earlier

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I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills. Get it from here:

Hope everyone will follow this guide and save the earth.




  1. You mean, hope everyone will buy this guide so you can retire.

    It may be possible to biuld a wind generator for $200, if a person has tools and mechanical ability.  That does not include the costs of mounting it, which can cost more than the turbine.  

    There is NO WAY that a photovoltaic system like the one pictured can be built for less than several tens of thousands of dollars.

    This is a scam.


  2. I have seen so many of these, and while they do sound good, it basically come down to a sales pitch without any concrete information other than to pitch their E-book, which doesn't even involve printing cost.

    The testimonials are alway just names without contact numbers, even the ones that say they would be happy to recommend it.

    The big question is, is this your book?

    and if it is not your book, have you tried it?

  3. I 100% encourage any use of renewable energy, but we must apply what we do to the world we live ing.

    Unless you are going completely off grid a novice adding a system to a public utility could run into some trouble.

    Almost all cities require building permits anytime you are doing something to the electrical system and you need to work withing current building codes. You can ignore all this, but it will cost you dearly if you ever need to sell your property.

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