
How to introduce Gerbils???

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Two females???? Any good Ideas!




  1. when i introduced my two hamsters i started out with separate cages, and almost everyday let them run around and smell each other. if they looked like they were gunna fight, then i would break them up. just keep introducing them until they get used to each other. but, u know, they may just not like each other. keep an eye out for that too!

  2. I think the best way to introduce your gerbils together would be to get a large secure enclosure, making sure they are lots of toys and things to climb on/in and things for them to hide. Also a few water bottle in case they each claim one and a few small bowls of food so each has one as their own. Then introduce them together, not one by one as this could lead to hostlility. The combination of toys, food,water and hidey holes could be enough to stop immediate fighting as there are things for them to explore. Also watch for a while and if you see any fighting, a loud clap, might prove an adequate distraction. One final tip is when taking them out of their own cage, give it a good clean so the place doesn't smell only of them when they all go back in. O and I forgot, sometimes a quick trip just to get them off balance ( so to speak mentally) like round the garden in the carry cage might be enough that when they are introduced they may huddle together for security if they feel a little scared and insecure. Hope this helps. Good luck.

  3. You should use the split cage method to create a slow, safe introduction. Females are, generally, harder to introduce than males would be. Here's a good site for the split cage method:

    You should never plop two unfamiliar gerbils together. That's just a recipe for disaster. You'd be lucky if you didn't end up with an injured gerbil.

  4. Gertrude this Henrietta, Henrietta this is Gertrude.  Nuf said.

  5. put them both in a bag.

  6. Well a really easy way to do it is just is a piece of wire type cage material used as a divider to split your tank/cage into two separate areas where the gerbils can still smell and touch each other without the worry of injury.

    I however, just have a mid-size animal carrying cage that I can fit inside of my larger glass tanks. They can still smell and touch through the bars but you can leave them in for a couple hours with out monitoring. That way it you can also put the gerbil back in its own cage to rest and relax after a meeting, introductions can be stressful for them at first. You can also expect them to sit at the bars, squeak loudly and threaten each other. This is normal, as long as no one is getting hurt.

    It usually takes about 3 days to 1 week of meetings (3-6 hours together a day at least) to fully acquaint gerbils. Females are actually more territorial then males, so if I were you I would expect closer to a week.  Please don't just dump one in the others cage!!! They will definitely fight, so don't even bother trying.  

    Also, change your cage/tank's bedding before you put them together in the same one, they will be less aggressive if you do.

    Hope that helps!

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