
How to invest for beginners?

by Guest34110  |  earlier

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could someone tell me about the basics of invest like for someone who is totally clueless, and what you need to get started etc. Especially stuff like stocks, bonds, IPO's, etc. Just like a basic run through of everything




  1. What you are asking would take a lot of space. Go to a local bank that has Financial Advisers. They can explain the various investments and help you select the type of investment that is suitable for your needs.They will help analyze your tolerance for risk and the time frame you are looking at. They do not charge anything unless you actually buy something. If you do not feel comfortable with the person you meet go find another bank. You MUST feel comfortable with the person who is advising you.

  2. Investment simply means making your money grow. In order to grow your money you’ll need to understand some basic principles of investment and understand which type of investment suits you.

  3. If you are new to the stock market, some research is necessary to be done on your part.

    Try the below url:

    For New visitors, it has extensive information available like:

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    What are the risks and advantages of investing in the stock market?

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  4. Your best best right now is gold! Silver, copper pennies, pladium or platinum!!!! It is the lowest it has been in a long time. Go to Click on the left hand side where it shows the history of it and it tells by the years and look at it. In 2007 gold started to rise very steady because of our economy and it will go up again! Right now it is low due to a recent problem with someone and  I cannot say who but it is our government and he took some of our gold reserves and they are missing tons of it.

    It is e-commerce gold and look it up! He got busted for it on July 22, 2008 for it! This was the biggest online source and was trusted for federal trade and it was started in 1999 and we never really checked out people as far as their real identity and well if our government in the past lost money it was from other countries and we let them take the fall. This time it was here in the U.S.!! The e-commerce had like 2.9 million tons if gold bars and allowed trade at a low of 2.9% trade and pay back to banks and financial companies and got a little to easy about it and it started getting easier and easier to borrow and online got bigger and bigger and Casinos started borrowing and then it got scammed big time and money laundered! then all of a sudden money is missing and unaccountable!! He is being indicted for it

    . So I think they drove down the price for people to buy it for the government to make some money back! We are in major trouble. I also think maybe something to do with 9/11 but that is my opinion! But it is rather strange all of a sudden right before the election all of a sudden money is missing and all of our foreign money and gold was in the trade center!!!!!!!! And there was a chart that listed all of our gold reserves up until 2007 and this year it was blank!

    So gold, silver, platinum and the good one is pladium due to search lights and it is not well known right now and they are going to use it for hackers and malware for computers in the future and computer companies are hoarding right now and it has been steady running up! Right now it is all down at good prices. We bought gold at $660 an ounce in 2007 and it went to $1,000 this year! It will go higher because we are debt  $9 trillion in  and to be bankrupt in this country it is $7 trillion so there is no way that the dollar has gained value all of a sudden? HOW? They are printing money we do not have plus the election is coming up, and you think they want it to look bad for a President that is coming into office right now? No Way!! They want it to look promising for the future so they drive it down to look good! So you are on the good side right now because trust me it will drop down again and we will go into a recession!! And then gold will soar again!!

    BUT?? Only buy by the ounce only!! Never buy anything by coins that are selling like at coin shows. Only pure ounce at reputable companies and there are scammers so go to the US Mint online and check that out and it tells you what the dimensions are and the weight of the coin and you can order from them but I did not from the gov!!

    If you buy it from a coin shop? You never pay taxes on it, over $1,000 you pay 5% on the price from the spot price listed on, then when you sell you get spot price less $10.00 and you never pay taxes!!

    That is pretty good! We had a coin for $701.00 popular series that was .9999 gold in July 2007 and then I just sold this July for $945.00! not bad huh? That was pure profit!! Because remember I paid that $10.00 to turn it in so that was that 5% of that 5% I originally paid! The Buffalo coin series are good and the Krugerands, the American gold eagle, if you can afford. If not all silver is affordable and the silver eagle series, the Pladium is down to about $339.99 and of course the good one is platinum and is is a rare one and good because they have to mine for it in South Africa and it is use in catalytic converters and for emission testing for cars, and for exhausts systems and mirrors and then for jewelry too and Japan is the biggest seller of the jewelry industry and user of platinum and it went up to as high as $2300 but way down right now and that I think again is to drive down costs for housing and all so people can build revenues for the federal government to build them up and they do not care about anyone else as long as they have their money right?

    That is why I just got two flyers at my rent place that says they can get me out of at least an 8 month lease? They do not care if the apartment people eat that money and go bust now do they? They can make the money and then let the apartment company go broke and oh well! But then in about 6 months what about that house payment when we cannot afford that because we are not making anymore money than we still are right now? Or we lose that job? Or in 2 or three years that payment goes up and the income does not? Or prices of stuff goes up too?

    Hope that help you but I have done a lot of researching over the past year and a half and I am 50 and still looking and there is no CD or money market or 401K that pays that amount back in that amount of time! Sorry. WE got taxed 35% on $35,000 and that was a lot of money to lose! So I would say anything that you can buy that you do not have to report to the government and it is legal I would do!!

  5. i recommend you to visit this site below, simple investment for beginner

  6. Read the book "Wall Street: The Other Las Vegas" by Nicolas Darvas.

  7. You can never get a "basic run through of everything" in this type of format.  You will have to do some work on your own.

    Before you invest in any security, the first investment you should make is in yourself, and the best investment you can make is by educating yourself.

    Start your education by learning why you should invest and the importance of being able to make your own decisions or how the pro’s make theirs.

    Here is some reading material that can get you started in the right direction, The first book you should read is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

    Then try some of these

    What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaunessey

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

    The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom

    Trading For a Living by Alexander Elder

    Mastering the Trade” by John Caster

    How to Make Money in Stocks” and 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success both by  William O’Neil

    The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas

    Get into the habit of making daily visits to some websites like MSN Money and Yahoo Finance.  ( )

    While at MSN following the strategy lab analysts to get a feel for what the pros are doing and why.  This site has some basic information for beginners.

    Other website that can provide instructions and help with procedures and terminology are

    Investopedia -  Stock Charts -

    Visit some of the more professional websites like Zacks -

    Smart Money -  Schaeffer’s –

    Some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also.  And remember, if they offer free information, get

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