
How to joign a group?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to joign a group for c/c++ to discuss about programs in c++ or c and improve my knowledge in C++ . please how do I go about it?




  1. je reçois 5/5

  2. How do I join a group?

  3. I manage the largest and most active C/C++ group on YahooGroups:  c-prog.

    To join a group (not just c-prog), you visit the group's homepage/website on YahooGroups and then click the "Join this Group" button.  Usually somewhere near the top of the page.  Yahoo moves it around infrequently.  Last time I checked, it was on the right.  Then fill in the options for message delivery and click Submit.

    c-prog is a new member moderated group.  Your first message won't appear until a moderator approves it.  This is so spammers get blocked and their messages never reach group members.  c-prog has been spam free for a long time.

  4. Go to and enter keyword to the box and hit search. After you find the group you're looking for, here is how you can join it:

    How do I join a group?
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