
How to jump serve well?

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i've been playing volleyball since grade 6 and i've mastered underhand and overhand serves. now i wanna learn how to jump serve because a lot of girls in high school use underhand and overhand but nothing if i learned how to jump serve it wud be a major plus. i just need help with the footwork




  1. The approach is that similar to your spike aproach.  I am Right Handed, and I was always the 'strong side hitter'.  My approach starts with a long left, than short right together & JUMP.  In fact a jump serve is basically just like a spike except you are setting yourself up for a backrow hit.

    Before even trying to hit the ball, just practice your approach with a full swing and full jump and envision where you would be making contact with the ball.  (the fullest extension of your arm, slightly to your side and just past the serving line)  Next practice tossing the ball and doing your approach.  PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!   You also need to work on your 'wrist break'  which is the snapping of your wrist once you make contact on top of the ball which causes top spin,

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Ive tried to jump serve for awhile, and ive finally gotten the hang of it about a month ago. A good tip is to make sure your toss is the right height for your personal approach. No matter how good your swing or approach is, a bad toss would completely ruin that. Also, make sure that when you connect with the volleyball, you hit it straight on and not to the sides. Contact the ball on the highest point of your swing and try to get some topspin. Hopefully this would help.

  3. Jump serving is a very hard skill to master and the main component of it is the need to master the timing of your throw and jump....once you do that you will be successful at jump serving!!

  4. You should position your self correctly ad then toss the ball in the air jump up and hit the ball over the net while it is still in the air

  5. well i'm a junior and i play club vball and i've pretty much mastered but it's taken me about a year.. basically its your hitting approach mine that works is a right step then stride left right left (for right hander) your throw is with your left hand high and forward enough that you can hit it.. as if you were doing the throw attack drill where you throw to yourself and hit over its the same exact thing.. and then theres the jump floater which is you hold with two hands right left right/as you do a quick toss and your arm should extend at that point and a quick hit.. i had to learn another system last year called gold medal squared and it helped me with most of that but some people dont like it its really just another way of footwork so the footwork may not work for you.. but  i thought it might help a bit since it improved my jump serve quite a lot .. hope i helped out a lil bit, you'll get it it just takes practice

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