
How to keep a 12ft pool clean?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there. i have just brought a 12ft pool and want to know the best ways to keep it clean and what chemicals to use. I have searched the web but have had no luck. Also after any tips before i start as it is alot of water to waste and i dont want to keep having to fill it up. I have brought a cover and thats about it.

Be greatful if all you pool owners could help?






  1. clean it daily and make sure you use plenty od chlorine, I like to buy the 3 inch tablets and I have them floating. once in a while when I know we aren't going to be in the pool for a few days I will throw in a cup of liquid chlorine.

  2. You use chlorine to keep it sterile. you should have a pump and filter which will filter out stuff. You should also have a vacume hose to clean the bottom of the pool.

  3. I had an above ground pool for several years and after a long period of trial and error and countless dollars on chemicals I found a local pool company that tests your water and tells you what you're missing or have too much of. The water test is free usually at all those places and if you don't want to buy the chemicals there just make a "token" purchase and pick up the rest somewhere cheaper. But have the water tested at least once every 2 wks. Shock every week say on sunday evening after your last swim. worked for me

  4. Many people in South Africa have a salt water pool nowadays.

    It's easy to maintain, much cheaper and healthier to swim in.

    Check it out on the net.

    Just vacuum clean every day. You can buy those automatic ones.

    They work themselves around the pool, whilst you enjoy yourself.

  5. Fi-Clor premium 5 granules.

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