
How to keep a horse cantering?

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how can i keep a horse cantering in an english saddle horse people only plz...............




  1. The best thing to do is to just kick it up for a while, put some miles on the horse after a while it will pace which is when it holds the a constant speed that you set without encouragement

  2. I agree with the other answerer - keep your leg on at all times, squeezing and encouraging the horse forward.  Make sure you are not holding the reins too tightly and therefore giving confusing signals.

    If necessary, back your leg aids up with the use of a whip - just behind the saddle.

  3. stop the horse and if he starts cantering pull back on the rains and smack him with a crop

  4. I actually disagree with some of the answers above.  The first thing you need to consider is why your horse is breaking.  Is it because he is just lazy?  If that is the case get a stick.  If the horse doesn't listen to your leg the second time you ask, tap him behind your leg.  You shouldn't be constantly squeezing as that does not teach your horse to listen to you and will only make problems worse.

    Is your horse breaking because your position is bad?  It's quite possible.  Get an instructor to look at you.  You might be flopping around, pumping with your shoulders, and totally unbalanced.

    Is your horse breaking because he cannot balance himself?  (This is especially true for very long horses)   Make sure that he is kept in a frame, with lots of power from behind.  It takes a lot rein and leg to keep him up and balanced.

    What about your tack?  Is it fitted properly?

  5. Squeeze and kick and kiss and if you have to, then use a crop.  A lot of horses try to break down to the trot around the turns, so it's particularly important to squeeze extra when going into a turn.  Without more information about your exact problem, it's hard to tell you what you need to do.

  6. I don' t know if your horse is very lazy, or just doesn't want to continue with the canter. As for my horse, I have to keep a constant leg pressure on him. He will try to give up every so often, but intstead of kicking him or using a crop on him, I just will tighten my lower calf to his side and keep him going...if he doesn't take that cue then i'll squeeze him while rubbing my heel's gently on his side to make sure he knows that I'm not just gripping with my legs, or re-adjusting my seat but instead completely asking him to move on.

    If the simple squeeze and heel rub don't work then I would give a nice little kick, possibly try a blunt spur, nothing to exaggerated though! I'd say at all low costs, I would go to the crop, some horses just don't take likely to it. If you do I'd try a bat c**p, something you can hide in your boot, or in your halfchaps until it's needed, and a nice little tap on the shoulder should be all you need!

    I hope this helps!!! :)

    Good luck with your riding!

  7. Keep squeezing.

  8. always keep your leg on!! is your horse brakes, cluck, and then smack them on the butt with the crop. everytime before you smack the horse with the crop, cluck. this is because you can train them to hearing that when they hear a cluck, they think they are going to get a smack. so in a horse show, eventually, all you have to do is cluck and they will canter faster thinking they are going to get a smack. even if they begin to respond to the cluck that way in a show, continue to cluck then smack during schooling to keep the progress. be sure not to irritate against the horses side, but to just have a tight feel with your leg. as my trainer says " i should never be able to see daylight between your leg and the horse's side" p.s. about using the crop, the most effective way is to use it right behind your leg.

  9. okay, ove been riding for about 7 years and i had trouble with the same thing at the biggining, what you do is keep you leg on and also if you feel the canter getting slower it always helps to in a really high voice say hup hup, or somthing like that just to keep high energy going through to your horse, and keep you body movments fast so that you horse will want to keep up

  10. ok right, you know when u do transition from trot to canter, you have to not just do that and then sit there, you keep doing exactly what you do while your getting the horse into canter, and they keep going! Also sit deep into your saddle and keep your legs squeezing the horse :)

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