
How to keep a red blooded aries guy interested!!!!?

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How to keep a red blooded aries guy interested!!!!?




  1. gotta be s*x, im aries myself and that wud keep me interested lol! might not work for everyone though

  2. My guy is an Aries, and we only have s*x about once or twice a week.  Mind you, we've been living together for almost 2 years now.  But he likes role play...or me dressing up as a nurse (his fantasy).


  3. Ummm...I would recommend doing high energy, fun, exciting things together "outside" the bedroom to spice it up inside the bedroom. I mean, really, it's not ALL about being in the sack. Try skydiving, scuba, competitive sports, horseback riding, spelunking...anything adventurous and athletic. Sharing novel adventures has been proven to increase the bond between couples and to enhance "other" relations (Psychology Today).

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