
How to keep bugs out of food?

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Whenever I seem to open rice a roni,or pasta roni in a certain cabinet, I see little tiny bugs(oval shape, kinda yellowy-brown bugs).... The boxes are tightly closed.. Is it just that the cabinet is dirty or is the food contaminated?




  1. These are known as pantry pests, and they get into flour, rice,

    cereal,and anything in your cabinets that is not tightly sealed.

    They often enter the house with groceries, as all it takes is one.

    What you must do is take everything out of the cabinets, and

    wipe them down clean with bleach OR  ammonia and soap,

    then transfer anything not sealed tight especially boxed items,

    into glass or plastic containers that are airtight.

    (such as jars, tupperware, canisters, etc.)

    You must make a habit of doing this immediately each time

    you shop.Just remember sealed containers!

    That way you will never have this problem again!

    It happens to us all, and thats how we learn! Good Luck!

  2. contamination ? clean ,clean clean- bug-ers love  

  3. That happened at my grandparents one time, and it happened again recently.

    It happens in cycles, one year or season its bad, then the next there are none.

    To counter that, we keep what we can in airtight containers or tupperware. That greatly reduced the number of those little bugs. No idea how they get there because their house is very clean all the time, but they do.

    Keeping it clean is the best preventative. Don't let food sit out or open in the cabinets, that really attracts them.

    Something about those bugs, they really love to get into cardboard boxes with bags in them, recently we found them in an almost empty cereal box.

  4. boll weevils(sp?)....keep stuff like that in a tight container or fridge.

  5. I'm not sure how to get rid of those bugs except to make sure there is no food for them to get into.  Take EVERYTHING out of the cabinet that is in a box or bag and put them into tupperware containers.  Completely vacuum and clean the cabinet with lysol.

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