
How to keep guacamole from turning brown?

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everytime I make guacamole I wrap the left overs and put them in the fridge but it always turns brown in a day or 2. anybody know any tricks I can try so this won't happen?




  1. Lemon juice, weee! It also tastes nice, too. I think my mom told me to throw the pit in once to keep it from turning brown..I dunno...Do both!!

  2. Try putting the pit back in the bowl AND pressing the plastic wrap into the surface to prevent air getting in it.  You can also sprinkle with lemon/lime juice, but that changes the flavor!

  3. I run a mexican kitchen and the thing I've found that works is those green bags you see on TV sometimes.  You can get them at Bed Bath and Beyond with 20 for $10.  They are great for everything else too so you will save the $10 in food going bad in no time.  I put some veg into one without closing it properly and you could see where the bag started!

    Put the guac directly into bag and twist until there is no air in it.

    Otherwise try a sandwich bag.  The plastic wrap isn't airtight enough.  Some lime juice will help a bit but the leave the pit in the guac doesn't do it.

    It will also freeze well.  Flatten it out so it thaws quicky and you can break off what you need.

  4. To prevent it from turning brown (which is just the guacamole oxidizing), I add a decent amount of lemon juice or lime juice. This does not prevent it but slows it down. I would also imagine that putting a layer of plastic wrap so that it is touching the exposed surface of the guacamole would stop the color change because the guacamole could no longer recieve oxygen from the air. If you needed to keep prepare it around a week ahead you could pour unflavored-unsugared geletain over it to keep out all air and form a seal.

  5. lemon juice normally stops things going brown.  also try putting the stone back in it once it's made.

  6. ok the secret is putting the big seed from the avacado in the middle of the dip it keeps it from turning brown for a family has been doing it for years!

  7. flavor fresh

  8. Coat in lime juice.

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