
How to keep my 5 year old awake?

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My oldest son started kindergarten on Monday. He goes from 8a-2:30p. To my surprise, he fell asleep early Sunday night (he's the can't sleep when I can't wait for something type). He seemed fine Monday afternoon but went to bed a little later than Sunday. Then yesterday, he fell asleep as soon as he walked through the door from school and didn't go to sleep until about midnight this morning. Now @ 3pm he's been asleep for about 10 min. I figure no more than 20-30 min shouldn't hurt but if he continues to go to sleep late after late naps what can I do? Anyone been through this or have good advice on how to get him on a school sleep schedule? Thanks.




  1. well my daughters first day was today and on the way home from running an errand she also fell asleep in the car and was very tired.we put her to bed at 8 and she got up at 6 so maybe try a little earlier of a bed time.i also dont think a 30 min.nap will hurt especially since mine gets out at 1:00 pm

  2. This is a big adjustment to his system!!  I don't blame him for sleeping!

    When he gets home, allow him to sleep if he wants.  Do not let him sleep for more than an hour and do not allow him to fall alseep after 6 pm.

    To keep him with him!  Include him in making dinner, setting the table, clearing dishes, etc.

    At 7 he should be in the bath, then reading time, then off to sleep.  He needs at least 10 hours of sleep still!  

    Eventually, he will adjust to school, as long as he's getting enough sleep at night.

  3. DON"T LET HIM SLEEP. My son at 2.5 was awake till 11 if he had even as much as 5 minutes. try to keep him up until 5pm, then tea bath and bed by 6 pm. My kids at kinder (5 yrs) were in bed at 6pm and slept till 7am. Just try to give him things to do. Some craft, help cook his tea etc. But do not let him nap. If he really is not coping is it possible to pull him out and give him another year at home. He may not be physically ready for school

  4. Maybe a nice warm bath and a story before bedtime, soft music while he's trying to fall asleep, and then a good breakfast in the morning to oil his gears!

  5. School's a huge adjustment.  Hang in there.  Make sure he has a good breakfast.  No pop tarts or real suggary cereal.  It brings their sugar way up then they crash.  Give him something with substance.  Include a milk, or toast... something digestable that will stay with him throughout the day.  (Make a similar choice for snack time.  No candy... do crackers, a banana, pudding cups, etc.)  Not only will he stay awake, he'll focus better.

    They probably have a rest-time during school.  But school's still brand new, and lots to look at, he may need to fall asleep during rest time, but he's too busy looking and talking.  When the newness wears off he might get that 20+ minute nap he needs during rest time.

    - - - - - -

    Yikes, no rest time for full day kindergarden?  Baptism by fire huh?  Well, maybe there's down time where they can look at books and play quietly.  That's good rejuvination time.  It's not hugely crucial though.  By having a good breakfast and healthy snack choices, I'm pretty confident that he'll carry thru okay.  He'll also be tired enough to go to bed on time at night.  We noticed a big difference in our son when we changed his breakfast on schooldays.

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