
How to keep my electric bill low?

by  |  earlier

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i just moved into a new place and have an electric bill in my name now. how can i keep my bill down? i know there are obvious ways, does anyone have any interesting ways i may have not thought of? thanks.




  1. Check out the following web page on Top Ten Tips to Save Energy:

    Run your dishwasher only at night so you don't heat up your living space.

    Hope this helps!


  2. You first want to look at your appliances, if they are older than say seven years old, it would be a huge savings to replace them one at a time. Simple things like light bulbs can make a difference. Keep the heating and cooling set around 77 degrees which is probably hard to do but once you get adjusted you'll find a huge savings.

    Cooking meals, instead of putting one or two potato's in the oven to bake, try the microwave. Prepare meals with the least amount of utensils which will decrease the amount of water needed for clean up.

    And lastly, keep the door and windows shut and consider a energy efficient storm door with good drapes for the windows. The idea is to purposely be conscious of thinking "is that light on for a reason or just on because of habit, wash a load of clothes or just a couple items." All that adds up.

  3. unplugging items you are not using helps a lot.

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