
How to keep my hair straight all day?

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for some reason when i wake up and straighten my hair 4 hours later if will be all un-straightened

what do i do?!

my hair is wavyish




  1. i have the same kind of hair as you...its tough, you need hairspray (Tresseme works well) Good Luck!

  2. straighten it then use hairspray- garnier is good xoxo

  3. Hey

    Well take some gel or moose in the palm of your hand then like clamp your hair in between your 2 hands and smooth it down.So go down to straighten it and hold it! Spritz some hairspray and your good to go!

    Good Luck



  4. The same thin happens to me sonyou have basically two options, get your hair Japanese straightened which damages your hair so much and costs like $1000.

    I obviously use the other way..I straighten one bit then put loads of hairspray on my hair.  I wait like 20 seconds and then brush of the hairspray.  I restraighten that bit then move onto the next strand.  Once I finish my whole hair I brush it again and lightly hairspray it.  Before I leave the house I brush it out one last time and do even less hairspray.  During the ride to school I brush it out using my fingers.  My hair is usually stays straight the whole day

  5. I had the same problem ]:

    but before you use a flat iron, you should make sure your hair is completely dry. ironing your hair when its hot totally dry is worse than styling your hair on a humid day. moisture will undo your heat style and it wont hold.

    and when youre done heat styling, set it with a blast of cool air.

    it helps my hair stay straight is i flat iron, or bouncy when i curl it.

  6. omg i have the same problem! is your hair really thick?

    mine is which i think might be the problem..:\ but i did try starighting it when it was wet...till it was dry..which helped a little!

  7. The best thing to do is make sure you have a very good straightener, and make sure to straighten piece by piece, misting lightly with hairspray after you do each piece. Then when you're done, mist over with hairspray again. Make sure not to overdo it, though. You don't want to look like your hair is wet all day.

  8. get a straight perm..the kind u do urself...because theyre cheap and they work!!!

    and superisly ur hair is more healthy because theres not so much dry heat

  9. Try using Skinny by Paul Mitchel. It helps keep your hair silky straight. I use it and my hair is wavy too.  

  10. get a japan straightening perm. or use sunsilk straighten up shampoo and conditioner. straigthen and when it gets wavy add sunsilk straighten up 24/7 creme with elastyn e, u can put it in when ur hair is dry or wet to keep it straight, it smells good too!

  11. Ah, this is the story of my life! I used to spend all night flatironing my hair and then redo it in the morning and halfway through the day it got wavy! Okay well then i realized i got alot more complimentts when my wavy hair looked amazing then when my hair was stick straight and crappy looking by sixth period. I your face looks best with the hair you were born with, but hey if your a diehard flat ironer, then listen to what my technique is with keeping it straight:

    You have to blowdry it straight first-thats a must

    After that put some smooth down cream like the garnier stuff right here:

    Then flat iron your hair in sections- and do it slowww

    After you get it as straight as possible put some more glossing cream/anit frizz cream on it

    I used to put my hair in a low pony on the way to school to keep it straight and then once i got to school like halfway through the day i would put some more glossing cream on.

    The flat iron really works best if it's ceramic- after i got one i didnt have any more troubles with this stuff!

    Hope i helped!

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