
How to keep my ipod from getting stolen on vacation to bangladesh?

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i really want to take my nano because ill be waiting in the airport fr 6 or more taking a cheap mp3 and a ipod shuffle but i like the nano but i CAN'T have it stolen and theres a HUGE chance of it getting stolen where imgoing so should i take it?




  1. You have a shuffle just take the shuffle it would probably not get stolen i mean my brother once found an ipod nano in gym and he put it in the lost and found what were the chances of that happening! so dont take the nano its like a cute little puppy it could get lost and youll never see its cute lil face again thats why my puppies staying home

  2. If you really can't handle the idea of it getting stolen, then leave it at home! But... if you're going to take it, minimise the risk by

    ~ Don't flash it around! Be discreet, especially in public places like buses or airports where there are a lot of people possibly eying up your stuff and whether it is worth stealing

    ~ If you put it away, don't make it really obvious where you're putting it. Don't give away where your valuables are kept.

    ~ Don't leave it unattended... I had my Ipod stolen from inside a locked backpack in a hostel room... the b*****d slashed into my pack to get it. I would take it with you in your pocket rather than leaving it alone.

    ~ Maybe get some different headphones... the Ipod white ones are quite distinctive and make it obvious what you have.

    ~ Make sure you have the music backed up on a computer, so if it is stolen you haven't lost all the music forever.

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