
How to keep order and efficiency in my life?

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I have finally started getting my life in order - I don't mean bad stuff, lol. I mean, this weekend, for example, I felt like I got so much done. I cleaned my house, exercised, did paperwork, did a ton of laundry - things that I am usually too lazy to do. It felt great, and I had energy to do it all.

So, how do I keep on like this? This has happened before, and usually within the week the house falls to shambles and I am back on the couch eating Cheetos.





  1. Just keep telling yourself good job girl

  2. why don't you take your question to the right category.

  3. Figure out what motivated you to have such a good weekend.  Then write that down and write down how good it made you feel.  Then place that right beside a plan for making sure that you keep things done and orderly in your life.  If you have the motivation and the schedule then it is easier to make yourself do something on the days you really don't feel like it.

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