
How to keep rabbits and guineapigs cool in the summer?

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i have two guinea pigs and a rabbit and i think they are getting to hot in the summer. I have put them in the shade but there cages still seem pretty hot. does anyone know hot to cool them down without bringing them inside because i haven't got any room in the house so we only bring them in, in the winter. Thx




  1. I have 3 guinea pigs, and i find thats its best that you buy a run, a medium sized wooden square or rectangle, and put a towel over a corner of it, so they can hide under there when its hot and cool down, or go out into the sun.

    Hope it helps

  2. It's better to have them out in their run outside than inside anyway, because that way they can get a breeze.

    Just be sure to put them in the shade, and if there isn't a shady spot in your garden then cover their run over (We use a tarpaulin) to give them some.

    We also make sure that they have their water bottle all the time, but also give them a shallow dish of water. They don't actually seem to like drinking from it that much (They're lazy and prefer the bottle, as they're used to it), but they sometimes splash around in it a bit, which helps to cool them down.

    Also, when it's hot and summery like it is now, it's a good time to give your piggies a bath. Obviously it will clean them up (and prevent mites and fleas, if you use the special shampoo that you can buy from pet shops). They'll also enjoy being cool. Dry them off a little afterwards with a towell, and then let them back into their run when they're damp. They'll be a lot happier. (:

    Give them a good brush and groom too, to make sure their fur isn't matted. Mine seem to like a good pampering session much more when it's hot.

    Also, it's a good idea to put suncream on your piggie's ears just in case. This is especially important if your guinea pigs' ears are white, because they burn easily. The same applies to their feet.

    They should be alright if they're in the shade, but there's no harm in being careful.

    Hope I helped x

  3. Put a 2L bottle of water in the feezer untill all the water freezes the put it in the hutch/run for them and they will lay against it to keep cool

  4. when it's hot i give my guinea pig a bath in tepid water and let him run around outside all wet- he seems to really like it because he gets all lively and squeeky again rather than all sprawled out and hot!  I just do it in the sink- only an inch of water or so because you don't want to get it in their mouth or nose.  Just hold the pig with one hand and use the other to pour water over his back and shoulders.  He might wriggle a bit when you first put him in but when mine's all hot he seems to really like the cool water!  Good luck

  5. First of all, do they live together? If they do... separate them! They are lethal to each other in many ways. Sorry if they aren't together it just annoys me when people put them together! You wouldn't put a gerbil and a hamster together in one environment!

    My favourite way to cool down rabbits is to put ceramic tiles in the freezer, then give the rabbit one or two in their hutch or run to keep them cool.

    You can also give them frozen bottles of water, or give them ice cubes to l**k. A fan also works but make sure they have somewhere to go away from the fan if they need to.

  6. How do you have room to keep them inside for the winter but not the summer?  Keeping them inside is the only real answer.  And to some of the others that said you should keep them outside- HEAT is what can be lethal to small animals.  If you left a cat or dog outside in a small crate most people would think that is inhumane.  It is no different for rabbits and guinea pigs.  They don't belong outside in the elements without constant supervision (and even then in the heat it is not a good idea).  I took my rabbit in the car the other day (with a/c the whole time), and just on the way back I was outside with him for less than 10 minutes in 85 degree weather- when he got inside he was panting- anything much longer than minutes in this weather could have serious consequences.  On top of the elements there are predators out there- I've heard too many terrible stories about small caged animals outside being killed by other animals.  Please, if you care for these animals seriously consider bringing them inside!

  7. WIth my bunnies i use empty pop bottles filled with water and then freeze it in the freezer. I then put the bottle in the rabbit run or hutch with them, and they should lie on it when they get hot.  other than that just make them some shade by putting a towel or something over their run and make sure they have fresh water and they will be fine!

  8. make them a lil paddling pool from an ice cream tub

  9. If possible put the cage next to the north facing wall of your house as it will get the least amount of sun there. Bacofoil stuck on top of the cage will refect any stray sunlight. Make sure there is a good airflow all around the cage. Put it up on blocks if necessary.

  10. My mom used to have rabbits. She would get a 2 or 3 liter empty soda bottle and fill it with water and then freeze it. (It takes a couple of days to freeze solid so you may need to make a few.) She would then place the frozen bottle in the cage with the rabbits. It was like having a mini air conditioner. Depending on the size of the cage and the number of rabbits you have, you may need to use several bottles at a time.

  11. Make sure they have lots of shade. You could also put a frozen water bottle or bathroom tile in their cage for them to lay on when they want to. You could even invest in a cage fan.

  12. You have to give them lots of shade and make sure that they drink loads have a bowl of water as well as a feeder.

  13. i used to give mine plenty of water. I also had a heat reflecting sheet which i put over the front of their cage for a few hours in the middle of the day. It seemed to work and i never noticed the cage getting too hot.

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