
How to keep squirrels off of my sunflowers?

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Last year I had almost a dozen giant 8'+ tall sunflowers but this year due to the late frost and dry June I only have one that reached above 8'. I have a bunch of them about 3' tall though and the squirrels just keep ripping the flowers off of them before what bees we have left have even pollinated them. Squirting them with my supersoaker last year seemed to work good but this year they're more tenacious and even after getting soaked they still come back to try to get them. Apartment mangement has already tried to catch them to release them in a local park but one of the residents keeps letting them out because they like to feed the squirrels. One that visited my sunflower garden this morning has obviously been hand fed because it just went about eating my sunflower while I came out to soak it. After a good soaking chase it ran far far away. What can I do when I'm not home to gaurd my garden?




  1. Not a thing.There is no animal in the world more hateful.  They eat holes in your house and laugh at your traps.  You can not keep them out if they want in.

    Big Rats with hairdos.

    No experienced pest control agent will take the job .  He knows he can't win.

    Don't use poison it doesn't work on them and they will drag it out and watch some poor dog eat it.

  2. go to the hardware store and buy this stuff called shake away it is granulated fox urine this stuff works like a charm.

  3. try leaving rubber snakes around your garden. the squirrels and the whole instict thing. humane way and plus rubber snakes cost like a dollar?

  4. I would sprinkle some cayenne pepper on the sunflowers.

  5. easy,

    buy some squirrel corn from the pet store or where ever bird feeders are sold, and put them somewhere away from the sunflowers. that way, they will stay away.

    also get a squirt gun and sit outside quietly and wait. then squirt away my friend. squirt away.

    its fun.

  6. The easiest and simple solution is moth balls. Animals can't stand them! That goes for cats, dogs, squirrels, bunnies and more. You just place them around the perimeter. It doesn't harm the plant or the animal. They just can't stand the smell. Works like a charm, promise! Best of luck with your sunflowers!

  7. I have a harsh answer.  My grandfather was a farmer who was troubled by animals eating his corn and other crops.  He discovered that if you kill one of the varmints and then hang it on a string from a pole, they will not come near the area.

  8. Put chicken wire fencing up around the sunflowers.

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