
How to keep the hottest room in the hosue cooler?

by  |  earlier

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I have a centeral heat and air in my house, in the day the back room which is my master bed room is hot, it is the hottest part of the house, the kitchen , living room and the middle room is the coolest , the front bedroom is cooler. The master bed room being in the back is real hot in the day and just as hot in the evening. what can i do to keep it cooler? help...




  1. My brother had the same problem with his room he just kept more fans in his me that did help.  Living in Fl opening a window won't help much but in the winter open your window.  Good luck.  

  2. you can always leave ur door shut.. that helps me and getting a fan or air conditioner would b a good choice. tiles makes rooms cooler 2

  3. if u aint got air conditionnen get alot of fans

  4. get a window air conditioner

  5. *The secret* to a Central Air System is controlling the Air Flow throughout the entire house.

    Simply close the air ducts and close the doors to your unused rooms .  -  This better confines the cool / heat to the rooms you use the most.

  6. The duct work must not be correct for this area.

    Possibly the room has been added on and duct work added that was not adequate.

    It may be possible to correct,have a professional look at it for possible solutions.

    Both supply and return ducts are necessary for proper airflow.

    In adequate insulation for that area could also cause the room to gain more heat than the other areas.  

  7. a fan, or they even have portable a/c units now at electronic stores that arent to pricey

  8. you have a central air unit with an air duct to push the cooled air into each room.

    Each rooms duct opening should have an adjustable louvre that you can open and close .

    There is a finite amount of air flow thru the duct,,,so you adjust the louvres to cause more air flow to reach the rooms further back. By closing louvres a little in the closer rooms you open louvres in the further rooms. Thus you get more cool air to that back bedroom.

    Also make sure that the units air filter is clean.

  9. Try closing off the ducts to the rooms/spaces you hardly ever use. This might divert more air to the master bedroom. Also have a fan running in the room to circulate the air.  

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