
How to keep the two apart....??

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Okay so i have my mum's friends daughter coming over to stay today and she and my younger brother who is 14 are the same age i tink. Last time she stayed over she and my brother told eachother their feelings....they like eachother and trust me this is as we all know " PUPPY LOVE" Lol.

My parent's weren't very happy and i know that in islam there is supposed to be no such intimacy before marriage so how do i draw the line??

I told my brother last time that the islamic perspective of this and i think somethings got through as he also explained this to his "GF" Lol and she also kinda took it into consideration...well i thought so and on MSN she told me she has another guy...again as my younger sister i told her it's wrong and i also found out that she has been keeping in touch with my brother trying to make him jealous telling him about her new "GUY"

So please can anyone offer me some help of how i should keep them both look at eachother as brother and sister, nuthing more??

Assalamu alaikum and wish me luck today!!! =) LOl





    she needs to learn a lesson!

    "another guy" smalah this girl is on a role LOL!

    goodness gracious!

  2. She shudnt b stayin at ur ouse!

  3. it's not really any of your business to be honest, if anything happens between your brother and the girl, its between your parents and brother, not you.

  4. Dont Let That Girl Come to Ur House ! I dont think they are Gonna LIsten to You telling them Its Haram !  

  5. If they both have the same interests (video games, music, etc.) then try to get them to do that because it's just hanging out and not doing anything "romantic". But if they do really like each other, there's no way you can force them to stop. If it's only for a day, it's not like they'll be going on dates every day. Your parents will get involved if they think your brother's doing something against your family's religion. Hope I helped! :)




  7. theyr not brother and sister y shuld u make them see each other like that. surely they can still have feelings for each other, they'l just have to wait until their married. and even then most of the time it dissapears within a month or 2 if its just a crush. if she has another guy then thats her problem, and even then shes probably just saying that to make him jealous. i know im not islamic but its called being a teenager lol  

  8. wow sis thats going to be hard cuz when it comes to there puppy love they dont like to listen,  my friend is going through the same thing but her lil bro and girl wont listen they even ran away twice,  i wish i could help, good luck inshallah

  9. have them court each other, which means they must see each other in large groups of teens, they wouldn;t make-out in front of their piors )peers however you spell it) and stay witht he parents when large group of friends are not around. This way they can get to know each other as friends instead of as makingout individiuals. Also I would become the big sister and tell the GF you don;t appreciate how she is trying to make her brother jelous on MSN, unless the internet is haram.

  10. With teenagers I have discovered through my brothers that you have to be insistent, and you have to repeat what you say and mean over and over, sometimes in different ways so they know and understand exactly what you're on about. I wouldn't give up. This is the beginning, if you don't do something now it'll spiral outta control. You need to be firm and honest. Make your brother realise that this isn't the 'done' thing and it's not good or cool either. Especially since she's already playing with other guys too. (not that that is the only reason why it's bad).

    Hormones are outta control at this age, and there is no understanding or sense of maturity. Get this across, without making him feel stupid. And try and keep them apart. PLEASE! Good luck. May Allah help you in this tough task you have taken on, Ameen.

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