
How to keep up with writing novel?

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So I'm writing a novel that I started 3 months ago, but over the summer I like completely forgot about it. I just picked it back up yesterday, and I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to keep it up and finally finish it??




  1. Try to keep ideas for it fresh in your mind, however you get your inspiration - do that and write down new ideas ina notepad or similar (on comp even - though hard to do if your not near a computer!) this way you'll eb thinking of it and will have no trouble looking for ideas when you start up again.

    My major advice is to not push yourself into writing. A lot of people set themselves quotas of words to fill or a certain amount of pages to do every week/month - which may work for you, but a lot of people aren't consistent writers and, when rushed, the story will be flawed. It'll take a lot of time to edit it afterwards so take your time with it now to lessen that time.

    I know this isn't the specific answer your looking for - but for the quality of your writing, write when the moment takes you and when you feel up to it and after your done, wait a few months again and re-edit it, i bet you they'll be a number of things you'd like to change by then :)

  2. Stephanie Meyer gave out the best advice ever for writing a novel!

    Write all the parts you like the best first (not necessarily in order). If you enjoy what your writing it will show. Then once you've got some motivation you can start to piece it together and bridge the gap. A lot of authors write the ending of their book first.

    Hope this helps!

  3. It may help to find someone else who is writing a novel and set up a schedule to read and discuss each others work. This would motivate you to have pages ready for that person to read. You could also join a writing group that meets either in person or on line.  

  4. I like the NaNoWriMo philosophy- push out 50,000 words in a month, no matter how bad the novel is. The goal is numeric and measurable. The time is limited; there's a deadline. If the writer reaches this goal, the text may need work, but the prototype is finished and revision can begin.  

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