
How to kick AFL football on the run, accurately, to the chest of the person running on the mark?

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I know how to do the drop punt, but i just need some help polishing my kicking on the run. whenever i kick on the run, it spins backward properly, but it goes a bit high and accuracy also can be improved. This is done while full-out sprinting.




  1. lots of practice

  2. i guess you could just watch AFL players and how they do it. and not all AFL players can do it accurately all the time either. just practice with someone and you should get it eventually.

  3. Don't sprint while about to kick. Slow down a bit, steady then kick. Also point your toe to the player not up in the air.

    Kicking to a leading player - Don't kick it to the persons chest when you see them, kick it to their knees so when they have run it will be at their chest. It's hard to explain.Kick it 5 metres in front of them so they run on to it I guess.

  4. Try bending youre knee using a kicking technique (not with a footy, this can be done on a public footy field or indoors).

    Footballers use this when they had recentally had knee reconstructions or Knee problems, such as D.Bradshaw and is now one of the best Forwards in the game and is using this as a permenent training technique.

    It is also used for training, i know that the swans, cats and carlton use it for their daily training.

    When you have mastered that, start using it with a footy, use that with AFL goals, this will improve youre aiming to, try with a friend if able too as a back. You can start kicking it together now, but first you have to lead, i won't go into too much deatail, but you should try using the classic Barry Hall lead, not punch, but his lead, very useful.

    DO NOT use torpedos during the kick to kick, but do start to use youre left it will improve youre fitness with both legs and will teach you that it is easier with youre left leg.

    Always try the distance of 15mtrs apart leading and kicking and always use a size 5 sherrin and up, sometimes it isn't useful using a drop punt kick when you are prepared to play on and dispose of it quickly.

    accurate kicking always helps to raise the opposet hand of  the foot of which you are kicking with, but maybe if this does not work, it may be youre boots.

  5. I don't know.

    If I could give you the correct answer to your question I'd make a fortune!

    None of the 16 AFL teams have players who can do that consistently.

  6. Improve your ball drop and stability and timing.  Balance is key in this.

    To improve stability work on core strength, lots of sit ups, strengthen your back also so you don't create an imbalance.

    Get used to dropping the ball perfectly on the run.  Most miskicks are from poor ball drops.  You want to be flexible enough that you can put your head over it and drop it close to your foot and in line with your foot.

    Lastly, this is huge though, is timing.  Practise running and getting your stride right.  Do it without kicking for a start.  Just make sure your stride is fluent into the kick and you aren't hesitating or wrong footing yourself.

    If you get these three right I think you'll kick quite well on the run.  And remember it's like cricket, the balance, the timing and how sweetly you hit it are more important than swinging hard at it.

    Also if you are worried about it being too high, don't drop it too far out infront of you.  The ball is moving at the same speed as you when you drop it, so it is almost identical to dropping it standing still.  There's a tendency to throw it out infront because you think you will catch up to it because you are running.

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