
How to kill black ants with kids?

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My husband and I just found out that we have black ants in our house. My question is how do we get rid of them safely with kids and animals in the house. They are just in the kitchen as of now. Please help I hate ants!!! I'm also pregnant so I need osme safe methods? Thanks




  1. We use Sevin ~ powder and spray ~ when we need a bug killer because we don't want our pets to get sick from the other stuff.  It is also safe for children to be around.

    My grandfather built a new kitchen on a house we rented from him several years ago and he built a little ledge in the window so the cats would have a place to sit in the afternoon sun (he was a big cat lover).  We fed the cats in that window so the dogs wouldn't get in their food but when I went over one day to get their bowl, it was LOADED with ants as was one cabinet where we kept cereal.

    Someone told me to use cayenne pepper but that didn't work.  One day a woman at work told me to use bay leaves.  I was skeptical but I had tried other things and they didn't work so I stopped at the store and bought a box and broke them off in the little cracks around the edges.... never had another ant in that window or the cabinets and we fed the various cats we had for years in that window and I never had to put another bay leaf in either place.

    Several years later, my grandmother had carpenter ants coming in her back door and in an open spot in her wall in the basement.  She was also skeptical but bought the bay leaves and she also got rid of them so they really do work.

  2. corn meal

    put corn meal around the area they come into the house. They eat it carry it back to the colony, and more ants eat it.  problem is. they cant digest it, it swells and.. dedant, dedant, dedant-dedant, denadt.. (pink panther theme)

    Also a spray bottle 25% dish soap, 75% water.

    Baby powder works.  

    chalk powerder.. ants wont cross over a chalk line.

    Keep your floors, counters, table, under and around the stove and under the fridge spotlessly clean.  ants don't come in the house to watch a little tv or chat to their uncles in antartica ya know.

    Failing all else, go to your parents or relatives or a friends for 3 days and get a professional.


    How to kill black ants with kids?:

    Grasp the child firmly by both ankles, raise the child quietly over your head... when you see an ant.. club it to death.

    *heh heh*  couldn't resist.. just the way the question reads.

  3. you throw all the kids you have at the ants and hopefully the kids are heavy  enough to smash the ants.

    problem solved

  4. Go to the dollar/discount store and get some Boric acid powder.  It's a white powder that you put down that is oderless and the ants crawl on it and die.  It really works.

  5. use some carbonic acid in the wall these prevent snake and ants from entering house or call and anti insect squad they can give good suggestion

  6. They sell ant baits in little containers that you poke holes in.

    The ants can get to the bait, carry it back to the nest and feed it to the queen and the brood.

    Kids and pets can not reach the poison bait.

  7. move house

  8. use sticky pads or ant poison

  9. Go out and get yourself some Hot Shot ant killer. It's a water based bait, and ants can not resist it. Don't worry about safety either. It comes in spill-proof pods that you can place well out of reach of children and pets. Just place them in cabinets, behind the fridge, anywhere you know they usually travel. The stuff really does work too. I had black ants in the kitchen, and Hot Shot got rid of them over the span of a week.

  10. Something you might have around is BABY POWDER!

    spread them around where they enter and everywhere they are, they will never come back.. for a while.

    earch online for "ways to get rid of ants", and you're likely to turn up page after page of results, but which ones work and which ones don't? It's not so easy to decide. Save yourself the hassle of sifting through the lore, and give these cheap, natural and science-based ant remedies a try:


    Wipe down your countertops, cupboards and any other places where you've spotted ants with a 50-50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Repeat throughout the day to maintain the efficacy.

    Why This Works: Two reasons, really: ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it removes the scent trails that they use to get around

    Chalk/ Baby Powder

    Draw a line of chalk or sprinkle baby powder across the spot where the ants are entering your home.

    Why This Works: Talcum powder, an ingredient in both chalk and baby powder, is a natural ant repellent. Just be careful if you decide to use it: some studies have linked talc to cancer.


    Mix together equal parts Borax and either syrup or jelly. Then, place where the ants will find it.

    Why This Works: Once consumed, Borax damages both the ants' digestive systems and their outer skeletons, resulting in death.


    Spinkle cinnamon, mint, chili pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves or garlic – whichever one you happen to have – in the area where you've seen ants and along your home's foundation. Bay leaves can also be placed in cabinets, drawers and containers to further deter those pesky critters.

    Why This Works: Many plants – including the ones listed – give off a strong scent to repel ants and other insects in the wild, and it works just as well in your home.

    Coffee Grounds

    Sprinkle your used coffee grounds in the garden and around the outside of your house.

    Why This Works: Ants are repelled by the scent given off by the grounds; and incidentally, so are cats.

    Cucumber/Citrus Peels

    Leave the peelings in areas of known ant activity.

    Why This Works: Cucumber and citrus peels are toxic to the types of fungi that ants feed on, and therefore avoided by the ants.

    GOOD LUCK! i got rid of mine with baby powder, oh and i am allergic to ants... sadly.

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