
How to kiss a boy?

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opps , i mean how do you kiss a boy?




  1. with your lips

    just go with it

    it is your first time

    it is understandable if yous suck

  2. relax, it will seem like you have been doing it all your life.

    trust me.!

    i just had my first kiss today and i was so nervous i was shaking and he was like whats wrong are you cold.?

    but he realised after we kissed that i stopped.

    but anyway if your trying to get him to kiss you take something of his and say if you want ti back you have to kiss me.

    it worked on me.=]

    he stole my post-its and said i had to kiss him to get them back

  3. You're stomach is going to totally be filled with butterflies, but try to just chillax, and don't worry about if you're doing it "right" - just enjoy. (and try to put on a bit of chapstick on the sly 1st!!!)

    If he's taller than you, stand on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around his neck and tilt your head up. If he's your height, just cusp his face in your hands.....and it's just going to go from there. Your first kiss should be sweet & sorta simple. Just let your lips meet (not slam into each other) and pucker. Then smile.

    And do it again. : )

    Once you're kinda experienced with kissing, it's fun to just grab your boyfriend by the front of his shirt and pull him in for a kiss. Trust me....he'll like it.

  4. I use the technique "Yin yang" and kind of nip his upper lip and then move my lips down to his lower lip. But, nipping is very risky, I wouldn't do it if it's your first time. :)

  5. just realax.. go with what he does its not hard

  6. With your lips. How else?

    And really, if you're asking this question then I'd think you're a bit too young to worry about how to kiss a guy.

  7. When he leans in, and presses his lips to yours you probably won't have full tongue action yet. But when you do get full tongue action, just copy what he does, and go with the flow and you'll be fine. Good Luck.

  8. go with the flow! it's easy. it's really hard to explain though.
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