
How to know how someone I no longer have contact with is doing? 10 PTS?

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Okay my question is a lil complicated but listen carefully lol soo like say I used to know someone that I now know was very special to me and we were close friends n he/she moved to somewhere really far away from me and I no longer see / have any kind of contact with them anymore but you miss them terribly and think of them a lot (as a friend/ human being) and you wonder if they're happy or they miss / or ever think of you, what would you do besides having psychics/or other haram things to know how they're doing? I'm worried about them n always wonder how they are in their new life now. Is there any halal things I can do or say that will reassure me how they are? Soooo do you get my question? PLEASE HELP! :-) Thanks




  1. I m sure the person you are talking about used to be ur boy friend.

    You should know that its haram to think about him. your relation with him was haram and thank Allah that he saved you from haram things.

    2nd, you dont need to worry about him. Allah takes care of evryone.You dont need to make dua for him too. We are not supposed to make dua for the Non-mahrams.How would you feel if you see ur husband/boy friend making dua for his ex?

    I really feel sorry for ur current bf or husband.He doesnt even know his gf is cheating on him.

  2. search for them on myspace, if they don't have one, just try google

  3. it doesnt matter.. you got me now i am better and very sweet and nice be thankful

  4. I agree wih PAIX.....but still i know how u feel.....I searched for my childhood best friend a year back and i found her in a social website....(i kinda felt awful then)

    try searching in google or any social websites

  5. you tell me how and i give you the 10 points.

  6. Try searching her ON Myspace,Bebo,Facebook,Orkut

    Inshalah U will Find her !

    Or try talking to any  of her Relative or close friend etc etc

  7. Your best expression of concern and safeguard for that special person...

    Would be remembrance of them in your duas!

    Whatever has happened, has happened!

    Possibility contact could be of inconvenience and not a destined event in your life!

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