
How to know if a capricorn male is interested?

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I'm a sag girl and in sept. my last year in college I made out with a capricorn guy, anyways every since that I would text him saying hi or whats up and he was always very rude and said stop or would be brief. Anyways I havent talked to him in like 3 months and he ims me outta nowhere seeing how my summer is and what I am up to. i was nice and I talked to him, even though i'm confused. Then he said he had to go but he would be on im later or he said I could text him....What is up with that? I didn't im or text him cause I dont wanna seem desperate. But I do still like him. I dont know if he wants a booty call tho or what?? Should I text him in 2 days and ask him if he wants to hang out or what? I would love to see him again.




  1. It's simple ask him and stop being so gullible to think the 'stars' have any effect on any ones lives.

  2. The Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat!

  3. Ask him out and cook him a meal and then you take it from there.!!!

  4. ok. Capricorns are usually blunt and take pleasure in being crude/insensitive- in their talk at least.

    But they are very shy when it comes to expressing their feelings.

    I know that doesnt really help you :) but those r their characteristics.

  5. You ask them and stop believing in c**p...

    I only answered your first line... the rest was so dull I didn't bother to read it all.

    Good luck though.

  6. The Capricorn, tough to love.

    I know I'm one of them.

    just ask him. I'm sure he'll be blunt with his response. then you'll know.

    hope this helps

    Edit: memo to Techie

      Just because Capricorns are straight forward in their talk and approach doesn't make us crude or insensitive and it doesn't mean we take pleasure in it. you make capricorns out to be verbal sadists.  I could very easily say its because what ever sign you are, is thin skinned and over sensitive.

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