
How to know if he really love me

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we are dating i cheatin it the past but we brock up and know we are dating agian how do i know if he really love me ?

like what question and stuff can i ask him and what are signs that he loves me




  1. First of all, go back to Elementary school and learn the English language.

    Second, if he loves you he'll touch your ********.

  2. Well if getting back together is not the first, then I don't know what is. Why did you cheat on him in the first place?  Maybe you don't deserve someone like him. Perhaps he should be finding out if you really love him or if you're just back with him cause the other guy dumped you.

  3. well.... maybe u should freakin ask him :D

  4. listen to that song 'How do you know" from that movie Enchanted! that will tell you :D but it really does! and if you cheated on him and he still got back with you, he must like something about you to come back!

  5. You will be able to see it in his eyes, in what he does for you, to you, how he acts when he is in your will be different than how he acts with others..

    When you are speaking of intimate things, just start talking about the

    future, and bring it up and start talking about it.  That's a good way to start.... just ask!!

  6. well he took you back didnt he? ;)

  7. I agree with ICEYOUOVE.

    Also: does he fight fairly? (cause all couples fight) Fighting fairly means no name calling, taking turns to express themselves, fighting about one issue at a time, etc.

    do you feel good about yourself when you are with him? Or are you always trying to make him happy?

    does he build you up, or tear you down?

    can he make sacrifices, but still at times doing his way and being ok about it too? Do you do the same for him? Remember, you get love by loving first

    does he love himself? No one can love another human being without first loving themselves.

    does his family and friends like him? Is he close to them? That should also be a big hint

    is he usually happy, or does he need drugs or alcohol to keep him happy? Chances are, if he requires one of those things to keep him happy, then he is only co-dependent on you. If he is too clingy, it's not real love. Real love is trust. Real love is faithfulness. Real love is liberating. Real love allows both partners to grow together without losing sense of who they really truly are as 'individuals' .

    Hope that helps. Also, I hope you've had your lesson. Don't cheat. Ever. Enough of those out there. If you feel like cheating, then that should be a sign to you that you should break it off before you get together with somebody else. That's more dignity and mature.

  8. Well perhaps you should just ask him straight out. Also stop cheating....that will also help.

  9. If you cheated on him, and he took you back...It's obvious that he cares about you

  10. first of all Gramar is all i have to say.  If you feel it about him say it if he says it back... and you really see his sincerity than he does.  If he really loves you, you will just know.  And I know that sounds corny but it is the absolute truth.

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