
How to know if i broke my finger??

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i was skateboarding and i fell on my finger it went between my chest and the floor it bent al the way backwards

it is a very excruciating pain on both the knuckle and the middle of the finger , i cant bend it because the pain is far to great

is my finger broken???




  1. Well if it hurts and its flopping around then you have problems!!

  2. I broke my finger once (in a car door) - it hurt so bad I had a hard time sleeping. I would get it x-rayed at the hospital/ docs to make sure you don't have any ripped tendons or anything. You don't want to compromise the structure of your fingers or hands. Any suspected broken bone is cause for a trip to ER or doc immediately.

  3. ya dumbass

  4. if its broke u cant move it

    answer mine, really need everybodys help!!;...

  5. i belive it is

  6. Probably, squeeze the tip of your finger where the fingernail is, do it to an uninjured finger first to see that it will turn white like a unbroken normal finger should do. Now try it on your injured finger. if it stays red, you probably broke it. I would go to the hospital a.s.a.p. good luck wit it

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