
How to know if my N73 has finished cahrging completely???

by Guest56885  |  earlier

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How to know if my N73 has finished charging battery?? I am new to this phone and can anyone tell me how to know if the battery has completely charged. I see the battery indicator while charging it. It keeps flashing, and when i on my mobile and remove the charger, the battery indicator is full. But when I plug the charger again, the indicator starts flashing again. Can anyone tell me, how to know when battery is full and how much timed does it take for charging....Plz. answer...Thnx




  1. In the top right corner of the screen there is a battery indicator with 7 bars. When all 7 bars are visible the battery is full, when only the small one at the bottom is visible the battery is empty and of course there are intermediary states too.

    When the battery level is low connect the phone to the charger and wait. There will be a "Phone charging" message followed by the 7 bars of the indicator pulsing to show that the charger is in progress. Keep the phone connected for as long as you see this pulsing indicator.

    When the phone is fully charged there is a corresponding message and the indicator stops pulsing, showing instead the full 7 bars.

    The phone consumes power all the time, depending on many variables (network signal availability and power, running apps, ...) so what was full a second ago is less than full now. This is why the phone might always try to take some more power when the charger is available.

    But there is no reason to get paranoid about this, when the phone says that is charged and the indicator starts blinking then just disconnect the charger and enjoy your phone.  

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