
How to know if my Pleco is hungry?

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My Plecostomus Saucey is always sucking on the rocks, the walls, etc. but how do I know if she is getting enough from those? I have a couple of pieces of lettuce, some held by rocks at the bottom and she doesn't seem to eat those. I am getting zucchini soon to put in there, if they see it will they go towards it and start sucking on it? People say that they feed their Plecos with algae pellets every day or every other day but Saucey is not the kind where when they see me moving stuff around, at a certain time of day near the tank they come to the top waiting for food... and otherwise the pellet will just get sucked into the filter o.0?




  1. Plecos rasp on to stuff about 90% of the time, it isn't always hungry. Like above says- just give a tablet every now and then. If he gets really hungry, you will see him suction to it and swim off to a hiding place- other wise he is getting plenty of food and casually munching.

  2. pleco`s always suck on rocks,plants,the sides of the tank etc to eat algae it doesn't mean they are hungry its just what they do, i feed mine bloodworm pellets,pleco pellets also tropical flakes   as my plecs eat them once they start coming apart mine don't like lettuce either hope this helps u out i feed mine once a day and had mine for over a year now and he is 15 inch's now hope this helps u out and good luck  

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