
How to know if my husband tell a lie?

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How to know if my husband tell a lie?




  1. take his pants off, if he has one he will tell a lie.

  2. Does he look you in the eye when he talks to you?Or does he look past you? How long does he hesitate before he answers your questions? If this concerns another woman has his sexual habits changed? Hope it goes ok with you...good luck

  3. if you don't believe him, there must be some reason, woman's intuition is a strong thing. does he lie often? is he an honest person? why would he lie? ask yourself these questions.

    if you are asking yourself and it is bothering you enough to post the question here... you are probably right.

  4. look him in the eye...if he cant say it straight looking at you, then he's lying

  5. If he opens his mouth there is a 50% or better chance he is lying!

  6. Get a lie detector...


    obviously, u know ur husband best. so if he really behaves abnormally trying to hide or "avoid" a question or try to move on another topic's possibily there's a lie.

    really depends on the questions, the situation he is in, the situation when u are asking him teh question and of course his character.

  7. if you wanna know

    if he loves you so

    its in his kiss

    (thats where it is)

    its in his kiss

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