
How to know if you're pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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  1. missed period

  2. Go to your local pharmacy and get a test kit.!

    Then go see your doctor for a true confirmation.


  3. I started getting light-headed in the shower.  I also had stomach pain that literally felt like my internal organs were rearranging.  Which they probably were come to think about it.  lol  I was 10 weeks along when I found out I was pregnant.  I ended up going to the Doc for the stomach pain.  I was on BC so had no idea that pregnancy was even a real possibility.  I still had two "cycles" after getting pregnant, so a missed period isn't always a clue.  Morning sickness didn't hit me until the beginning of my last trimester so don't count on that either.  If all else fails I think most Planned Parenthoods offer free tests that are probably more accurate that what you get at the store, and more confidential that going to a local doc.

  4. I'm a guy! My old lady didn't have to tell me she was prego!

    I was having dry heaves in the mornin's. I felt sick and tired for no reason at all. Most of all I felt the sickness. It Really Sucks. I told her babe were prego, she said yes we are, and I love her more today than I did the day I met her!!!!!!!!

  5. some ways to kno if ur pregnant or not is a missed period, throwing up, always having an upset stomach, and a lot of moodiness. just to be sure, you should get a test taken or go see a doctor.

  6. You will usually have signs such as a missed period, tender, sore b*****s, nausea, headaches.

    If you suspect you might be pregnant and your period is late, you should take a pregnancy test to confirm it...

    When I was pregnant I had a feeling, mostly because I had s*x and obviously if you have s*x there is a chance you can get pregnant...I had headaches and I was very tired a lot...So 2 days after a late period I took a test and sure enough I was.

    If your period isn't due yet don't stress out too much because stress causes irregular periods...

    good luck.

  7. take a pregnancy test


    I was moody and my breast hurt SO BAD LIKE NEVER BEFORE.  I also felt light headed at times.

  9. Wait at least 2 weeks after s*x and take a test!!

  10. the only way to know 4 sure is take a test i did 2 days ago n iam....

  11. Theres heaps of ways to tell. Best way is by taking a pregnancy test once you know you've missed your period. (if you take a test when your due for your period it is more likely to have a correct answer. if you take it too early you may get a negative and would have to test again.)  You can also tell by getting tender or sore b***s or  Becoming really tired. there are other symptoms you can look up on the internet. if you dont know when your period is due you can test 19 days after you last had s*x, if negative test three days after that and you should get your answer. I just had a feeling I was pregnant and started to see the signs when my b***s hurt and was very tired all the time.

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