
How to know if you have learning difficulties?

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hi can anybody help me here.

how to know if you have learning difficulties

i now i have got learning diffucites but dont now how to expline it to people what are the main things becoue have a wrong when have a learning disablity???




  1. It depends what learning disability you have. Different conditions have different problems associated with them.

    You can also try looking for your particular condition online to find out more in depth information about it.

    This site is about the most common conditions and looks at general information, it includes a section on talking to students about their learning disability this may be useful to explain to other people what your problems are associated with your particular learning disability

  2. You can't, and you don't.

       Well maybe?

       I was forty-two when I found out I had the math version of dyslexia. No wonder I couldn't tell time!

  3. I have got Learning difficulties, but I never could tell only the school could. I have ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome.

  4. If you are at school you should speak to the SENCO who can pu you in touch with educational Psychologist (EP)who can carry out assessments to establish the areas you struggle with and to what extent they will impact on your learning EPs work with young people aged 0  -19 years old.

  5. The more parents and teachers know, the more children succeed and grow. Read about dyslexia (reading problems), dysgraphia (writing problems), dyscalculia (math problems) and ADHD.

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