
How to know the herbs is approve by fda. is there any information about the company name approve by fda?

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i have a product name danshen capsule produce by comapny name tasly from china. how to know the product is really approve by fda?




  1. the FDA only approves drugs that will potentially kill you. herbs are not considered drugs so they do not get approved nor are they regulated at al, so buyer beware... do your home work diligently before taking any herbs you do not know anything about.

  2. just me is on target. If the FDA ever approved an herb then the next day gasoline would be $ 1.99 a gallon. Understand? also China is famous for adulterating their herbal remedies with real prescription drugs to enhance the effect. It is not on the label either. Be very careful, I would have to trust the source 150 percent before I take a chinese remedy, and this from a person who has taken many herbs in the last 40 years.

  3. Heres info on your herb.  It's a blood thinner.  The FDA doesnt regulate herbs.  I'd be ultra careful.

    Keep searching, more info comes up on this.  You know all the problems with stuff from china this year.

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