
How to know when a dog is on heat?

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Ok so my female staffy we have had her for 2 weeks after saving her from the road.

She has been vet checked and everything back to a good weight as well, now i dont think she has been stearlised. god i cant spell today, anyway,

How can you tell if a female dog is on heat?

i do know that they bleed but anyother way?

do they swell?

help please

We are going to get her stearilised asap incase but i generally want to know. Thanks




  1. They swell up really big (her female parts) Not all females bleed, most do but not all. She is 3 weeks coming in. The first week she won't let males near her, the second week is when she can get pregnant cause she will let any male near her. The third week she is going out and she won't let males mount her. The first and 3rd week she snaps at male dogs and avoids allowing them to get to her. The second week she will be after the males so pen her up. But watch her female parts. She will start swelling the 1st week, be huge the 2nd week and the swelling will start going back down the 3rd week. My husband raised hunting dogs.  

  2. Dogs that are not "fixed" will have the same spotting as anyone else. Please have your dog neutered not stearlised. Good luck....and enjoy a nice peach nectar from Del Prado juices and nectars.

  3. They bleed but also they l**k their "downstairs" excessivley. my pekenese is in heat and she wont stop whining or l*****g herself. You will for sure know when your staffy is in heat because big dogs make bigger blood messes.  

  4. Shelby is correct,  and yes swelling would be expected.  Best way to tell for sure is to get her close to a boy dog.  Excessive interest will tell you for sure, even early on!

  5. Her v***a can appear swollen days before she shows any sign of spotting.  Depending on how clean of a girl she is she may do a lot of l*****g and not have too much of a mess.  Often times you will see a spot where she was laying almost as soon as she gets up.

    Depending how far along she is she may start flagging (lifting her tail slightly and moving it to the left or the right as her v***a tips up a bit).  A gentle touch to the croup can cause this to occur when a girl is in season.

    Whining may occur is she's confined.  I figure that's they're way of asking to be let out on the prowl -the girls can be such hussies.

    Another sign is more frequent urination.  The tend to mark, similar to the males, when they're in season.  Think of it as their way of asking for the gentleman callers to look her up.

    You also might have males you've never seen before stopping by to offer their services.    

  6. Yes, they swell. The v***a swells to 3 times it's normal size.  The 2nd wk  the bleeding starts....that will last for a wk.  After the bleeding is when they are ovulating, and they will do anything to get bred.And that will last 7 days.  They will get out of the yard, out of the house,....anything they can do to go looking for a male, usually they don't have to go very far, because a male  can smell a female in heat for 4 miles!!!  Then there is a  wk going out.  so  3 wks altogether. One coming in, one IN, and one going out.

    You don't have to spell  sterilized....just say spayed.    

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