
How to know when i can have my US visa?

by Guest63391  |  earlier

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I just got my interview done last week and i want to know when can i have my visa?nobody on the embassy told me of anything about it?How long does it usually takes?




  1. It depends on what country you are from.  Usually you receive it in about a week in the mail.  If your application was approved and you did good at the interview.

  2. Were you approved or was your case put on a temporary hold?  Depending on which it is, there's a very big difference in how long you'll be waiting.  They must have told you something at the end of the interview. If you haven't already received your passport and visa, you should contact the embassy and ask. Or you can look up the embassy internet website at That might tell you what the normal procedures are so you won't need to contact them.

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