
How to know when to get off from the train and subway and bus in Paris,France?

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how to know when to get off from the train and subway and bus in Paris,France?

Is there any broadcasting or announcement on the train and subway and bus in Paris ?

When the train inside Metro, Rer, bus arrives at the destination, is there any broadcast and is there any station name written on the wall (when it arrives, can I have the chance to see the name before getting off?)

Is there any flash lights on when bus, train, metro arrives next stop? The French pronuciation is difficult to understand. I hope there are signs to show what the next station is. If not, please give me the tips. It is no gurantee that i can stand or sit near the driver or can find a passenger who knows or can answer my question at that moment.

Please help.




  1. The Paris Metro is easier to use than the London Tube. Everything is well signposted. There are plenty of maps. A ticket for a trip takes you just about anywhere, and if you go past your station by mistake, just take the next train back on the same ticket. If you're there for a week or so, you'll be cheaper getting a weekly season ticket or a 'carnet' (book of tickets).

    Plenty of info on the web:

  2. Some lines of metro have sound (a woman says the name of the station just before arriving), but ther is also the name which is written (very big)

    The same for the trains...

    In the bus, it's not always like that, it depends on the driver; some drivers don't have sound in the bus, drive very fast and you don't always have time to see where you are ! and some of them don't want to put the sound on !!

    But their are some papers in the bus which name all the stations that have to arrive next

    So don't hesitate to ask people who are next to you, to be sure of where you go !!

  3. Most of the Parisian buses that I rode on had an illuminated sign above the driver to let passengers know what the next stop was.  Also, sometimes the buses and subway cars have line maps inside them, so look high up on the side walls of the vehicle.  The metro stations are usually announced and there are big placards at each station, but you usually have to act fast to get off the train.  Also, the doors won't necessarily open automatically -- you may have to push the handle down.  Watch other people to see how it is done.  If you miss your stop, get off at the next stop, cross to the other side of the tracks (follow the signs), and take the next train back.  

    All that being said about the metro -- it is the fastest way around the city, you know -- I still prefer the bus.  It takes longer, but you get to see more than the inside of subway tunnels and stations.  That's just my preference, though.

    Most importantly, have fun.  Entertainers sometimes set up shop inside some of the stations, and sometimes people will perform on the train too.  There was a very, very good Ukrainian group performing in Chatelet last time I was in Paris.  They were in town for a real concert, and I guess they were just practicing or something.  I listened to them for a long time, and even bought one of their CDs.  As for the performers in the trains, I always keep a few small coins in my pocket for such situations, but I always make sure that I have my hand on all my belongings, too.

  4. I just wanted to say that that is a very good and intelligent question. Although they do get such a large percentage of tourists from around the globe that one would think there certainly must be signs and devices implemented to help you find your proper destination.

    Enjoy your trip

  5. dont panic. the metro is used regularly by non-french speakers every day. When you get to Paris and buy your tickets for the metro ask the cashier for a small map of the undergound system. The trains stop at every stop so you'll be able to follow your map to see where you are. Also the stations have their names written on them in giant writing so you cant miss them.

    As for the busses this is even easier because they have a route planner on each buss with lights on it to show the stop. you cant go wrong.

    Have a fun holiday and try not to stress.

  6. Get the free metro map when you buy a carnet or weekly pass (mon- Mon). Bus routes are also shown on some of these.

    The metro trains have a map in them so you can track our progress while en route. It is a good idea on your map to look at the end of the line stop for the direction you wish to go, as that is what is currently listed on the signs for each line, so you  know when entering the bowels of the subway system which tunnel to take to get on the train going to the right direction.

    On buses, write down your destination in french, or have the hotel desk clerk do it for you, so the driver know where youwant to get off. Make an attempt to be be friendly, Bon Jour, Comment allez vous? smile and they are usually more than helpful.

    The busses do allow you to see more of the city and a night ride with all the lights is marvelous.

  7. each metro station is announced and has wall plaques. there is also a route with stops marked above each door and you can pick up free metro plans. Don't chat to people on the isn't done and you can get pestered. Ignore anyone who asks for money. They won't mind..that's how it's done. Everyone walks fast too so watch that you keep together.The bus is a little harder to work out and you will need to follow your route plan closely. it's the best way to see Paris. Don't worry if you miss your's fun to get a little lost and quite safe in most areas of Paris. the city is great for walking and you won't go far wrong. taxis are very expensive. If you are going in summer use mosquito repellent before going in the metro. Paris was built on a swamp. Enjoy your trip

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