
How to know you've had a love spell casted on you?

by  |  earlier

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this question is basically for wiccans and "white (or black) magic" users who believe in this kind of thing...




  1. youll be head over heels for someone you would never be unless you were under a spell

    please help meh?;...

  2. you can tell because every time you see the person:

    if you're a guy:

    You'll get a tremendously large ***** and just want to **** their brains out.

    if you're a girl:

    You'll get so wet it'll start dripping out of your pants and you'll just want to **** their brains out.

  3. It may not be white magic for it is not your will, so they are forcing you to love them.

          I guess if oneday you had no feelings for this person and the next you were maddly inlove with them then you might be under a spell, try to undo the spell by using a spell to undo it. it might help

                              hope i helped u a bit.

  4. when you see yourself falling for a guy that you never thoguht you would

    sorta out of the random...  

  5. sorry don't believe in that hocus pocus garbage. have been in love though

  6. And i suppose you believe in santa clause too?

  7. i am a total believer. i actually had this happen to me before. thats how i met my husband. what happend to me was i was on my way out to my car that was parked in the mall parking garage. a fairy came and told me that the reason i had been feeling so in love was because of her spell. then she disappeared. they will tell you. you may have to wait over a month, but they will tell you.  

  8. u can't fake true love

  9. maybe if you suddenly are attracted to an individual who your hadn't payed much attention to in the past ( just guessing here)

  10. What!?  Love is a combination of physical and emotional desires and interests.  No spell can create that.  That would be handy, though.

  11. You wouldn't know because there wouldn't be a way to tell. It doesn't matter if you've never thought you'd be into the guy. You would just find things you like about him and start thinking they are attractive. You'll just think its a silly crush and nothing more.

  12. What is "casted"? When a love spell begins working on a person, does she/he begin to write such peculiar words?

  13. I don't think it is possible for a love spell to be cast on you, however, with that said, I believe that some physical connections can be so strong that it will make you think without reason.  The same goes for the spiritual connection, which at times can overwhelm you, even if the physical aspect  is not so strong.  The best way to test it out and see if the love is real is to give it time.


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