
How to land a kickflip?

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i can flick the board at least to a double kickflip and then when i try to land it i land either one footed or no footed what am i doing wrong.




  1. if ur landing with ur front foot then ur jumping backwards, not leaning forward enough, not popping the board enough, or ur putting to much weight on ur front foot. if ur landin with only ur back foot then ur not leaning forward enough, or have to much weight on ur back foot.

    if ur landing with a foot way out to the side its cuz ur not jumping straight up and ur turning ur shoulders which will cuz the rest of ur body to turn as well.

    being scared at first is natural and everyone does it u just need to really commit and not think about falling, take ur time and concentrate and no rush it to practice as many failed kickflips as possible. its better to do 10 really bad flips u dont land than 1000 flips that i couldnt even tell were suposed to be kickflips.

    at first some people find holding onto a fence or table or practicing in the grass help them learn the motion and gain confidance, but u shouldnt have to rely on using these every single time

  2. You have to flick up and out then pick up ur back foot and don't be scared to land on the board just keep practicing and zach get on myspace and comment me .

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