
How to lead 2 horses through a gate at once!?

by  |  earlier

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ive recently started work on a new yard and ive managed to do it a few times now, but im always worried the horses are going to panic and hurt eachother or me. any ideas for leading 2 horses safely through a gate at the same time? thanks




  1. You need long leads for my method. Open the gate toward you to create enough room to send one horse through...the lead has to be long enough to send him all the way through

    so he turns toward you when he reaches the end of it.  You will be standing in the narrow space of the open gate between the other horse and the gate. Now you can move backward into the gate, opening it further with your back while guiding the first horse to the side and out of the way as you make room for the other horse to come through. Put both leads in one hand while you close the gate, or just hold the 2nd horse's lead and use that hand to reach and close it.

  2. I do this almost every day with a 'one' horse gate...meaning only one horse will fit through at a time.

    I only use regular lead ropes.  Coming up to gate...I take first horse and hold lead right next to the snap.  I hold the 'back' horses lead rope towards the end of it.  [looped so it isn't dragging]  I play out the extra lead as the 'back' horse has to move behind the 'front' horse.

    I step through the gate first.  Ask 'front' horse to come through the gate after me.  As the horse's body clears the gate...I turn her around until she is moved off out of the way.  Then ask the 'back' horse to come through.  I pick up the extra lead, and off we go...

    They know the routine and I don't have any trouble doing it this way.

  3. if they'r excitable then dont get in front of them. in fact do it the long way, one at a time in some cases. otherwise no big deal just walk them in.

  4. do you have to do it at the same time?  make sure the gate is wide open and it is opening the same way you are going thru

  5. well, if the gate is wide enough, then just lead them on through. shouldn't hurt them.

    if your going through a smaller gate... then you could cue one horse to go through the gate first, then you and the other horse can follow.

    good luck!

  6. Why lead them out at the same time? Horses can tell if your scared or nervous so some times when your leading them they spaz out just to get away from you so i'd do it one at a time.

  7. ok this is what i do for leading two horses through a narrow space. with both of them on either side of me and facing the gate i have the closest one to the opening walk out and turn and face me on the other side of the gate. then i walk out and lead the other one behind me then regroup on the other side. make sure both of your horses have good ground manners and its probably a good idea to lead them one at a time the first time so you can make sure they don't panic through narrow spaces. i lead mine 3 at a time through our gate and never have a problem. it just takes practice and if your worried about it have someone with you so they can help if you get into trouble.

  8. Depends on how big the gate is and if there are existing horse in the pen that you are turning into...if you are anxious about letting the other horses get out, then just tie up one horse, open up the gate wide enough to safely lead one horse through, let him go and go back and get the second horse and do the same thing.

  9. hold one in each hand or get someone to help you. then you lead them around the gate to where they are touching the gate. one tip: always have three parts of your body touching the horse,so you can feel if it bolts,hand elbow, and knee, something like that.

  10. Make sure the gate is wide enough to accomodate both of them and just lead them through it. It's no big deal.

  11. just keep the gate wide open

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