Hi, I've been playing guitar for 2, maybe 3 months. I started by learning some basic chords, and i've learned 2 songs. I don't want to just keep learning one song at a time as I feel that is inefficient and the wrong way to learn guitar.
I want to learn some theory so that I can get started on actually understanding how the guitar works.
I'm starting this by learning some symbols like whole note, half note, etc.
Before I get too detailed in the theory, would it be best to learn more chords???
Here are the ones I know, A, Am, Asus2, Asus4, C, C7, C2 D, Dsus2, Dsus4, Dm, Dm2, Dm4, E, E7, Em, F, F7, G, G/B
and I'm working on Bm...
Which chords should I commit to before embarking on the mission to understand theory??
(Also one more thing. I was trying to learn the different note lengths are, half, whole, eighth, etc. However, I'm not sure how long, a "beat" lasts for. One whole note is "four beats". However, I'm not sure how long that is.)