
How to learn some italian fast?????? going to italy?!?

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im going to italy in the summer of '09 and i only know how to speak a few italian words and some phrases. once i get to high school in two years, i will be taking italian. so, my question is: how can i go to italy knowing a few sentences (like being polite and stuff) i also have family there so i need to know manners




  1. never mind

  2. I have put together a list of the best resources to learn Italian quickly for you -

    The good news is that I learned enough to get by in a few weeks before I moved to Italy for good many years ago.

  3. Learning a language fast means not learning it well and forgetting it fast.  Just enjoy the trip and pick up what you can while you're there.  You won't impress anyone with cram-course Italian.

  4. I am an American who has attempted to learn Italian in the past -- at least to learn 'some' Italian.  I cannot tell you much about my success, as I did not go to Italy since that time, or try to determine progress by reading, but I can tell you about my impressions regarding the particular experience.

    I used three different CD products.  And, there were certainly differences with regard to how I felt about my progress within the context of the specific demands of the CD courses, and given some assumptions regarding what might constitute good progress, and, assuming that initial success contributed to a sense of meaningfulness of these early gains.

    I definately learned some phrases; both to speak them and to understand them; and these phrases seemed useful.  I also gained some ability to use rules that I learned from the CD course to generate different phrases, and to understand new phrases.  But the phrases generally had to do with situations of fairly low complexity.

    All in all, it seemed to me that after partial completion of a CD course, I could manipulate some expressions to communicate on a superficial level regarding some common tourist, and maybe even some common general situations.  And I could understand some communication when spoken slowly, correctly, and, I suppose, in adherence to a very particular structure.

    The CDs that worked best for me are from the Pimsleur's series.  They are not particularly expensive.  It seemed that they were good at helping me pretty quickly achieve some competence in the specific modest goals set out in the course.

  5. Bring along Italian girlfriend who will interpret among other things, seeing you dont have much time to learn.

  6. learn italian is not easy...

    saluti dall'Italia!!!

  7. Don't listen to Matteo! E' cattivo... do not learn the phrases he is saying.

  8. I have studied numerous foreign languages and have found that this product:

    is one of the best on the market.  It isn't "automatic" -- you still have to apply yourself.  But this series of courses will help you with basic skills -- to include suggestions on social interactions.

    Love Italy -- enjoy!

  9. I don't think is possible to learn IT in one year.. but you can learn some words and phrases that can get you by.....

    This one you should always know...

    Ciao bella... voglio farti mia oggi!

    Mi piace c***o!!!!

    Happy travels....

  10. Hi, I'm italian, from Turin...

    well, Italian isn't similar to english... and it's quite difficult to learn, is quite similar to spanish...

    Fist of all, there are many differences with english, there are male and female names, there are many ways to make the plural of a word, there are many and many adjectives, some for female name and some for male.

    About the verbs, they change according to the person, isn't like english.. for example, verb "to drive" is in english

    I drive - you drive - he/she/it drives - we drive - they drive, in italian transform in

    Io guido - tu guidi - lei/lui/egli guida - noi guidiamo - voi guidate - essi guidano.

    The same for the past of the verbs, all the verb are irregular, so, add an -ed at the end of some verbs doesnt exist in italian language...

    I can advice you to buy a cd of some italian basic lessons, so, you can start to learn the pronunce, how to make a sentence, main verbs, main words exc exc... then, with time and patience you will learn it..!!

    If you need any advices send me an email..

    have fun here!



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