
How to lighten up my parents ? ?

by Guest59231  |  earlier

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So , Im new . I just started to accept Christ into my heart about 1 month .

Well , I used to go to church and cellgroup meeting all . I got home really late sometimes and my mom got really very mad!

this week will be the Emerge week . 3 days in row will be having services and it end quite late . what can I do to stop my mom scolding and allow me to go for the services?

p/s : My mom doesnt really trust in religion etc etc . I really love god and I hope my mom would understanding and all .




  1. Do your best to lovingly communicate your desire to follow Christ.  Do not argue with your parents.  They will pull the parental authority point and can "force" you to follow.  It is one way we parents win -- not always fair, but doable.  

    If you are forced to not attend the Emerge then do not sulk or rebel verbally.  Accept such as "persecution" and follow Christ by turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, etc.

  2. Tell her you are out causing a ruckus all night.  It sounds like that is what she wants to hear.

  3. Many moons ago i had a substance abuse problem and i started attending NA meetings i was determined to make 90 meetings in 90 days and i did it..but my mother gave me grief saying i was replacing one obsession with another..truth is when a persons life starts to straighten out family members don't trust it.. think it's just another phase..follow your heart..your family should be able to see positive changes in your life i pray they aren't blinded by past behavior to see it. Don't get discouraged and do something nice and unexpected for them..because you want to not for their reaction..good luck

  4. Christ did say He came to turn father against son and mother against daughter for Him. You will have more  tough choices to make in the future.

  5. Love the socks off of her!  Go a step further doing chores.  Show her that she won't regret letting you go.  O, and be sure to do your homework.

    Pray for the lost, the time is short.

  6. u live under her roof its her rules

  7. The church should be more respectful to the children and parents and not keep them out late.  Church services should end at a decent time so that they can get home, eat and go to bed for school the next day.

    I am on your mom's side

  8. Just become Wiccans.  

  9. Your bible says to honor your mother and father. This means if you are a child still living at home, you have to follow their rules. Deal with it, okay? Your mom is right, btw. She's worried that you are going to fall into cult mentality and stop thinking for yourself, and it sounds like you have. Sorry about that.

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