
How to limit my siamese cat from yelling all the time?

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he always misbehaves to get attention and we realize that. however, recently he's just taken up screaming all of the time. is there anything we can do to help him chill out a little bit?




  1. Is he neutered?  If he isn't, maybe there is a female cat in heat somewhere and he wants to get to her and is frustrated that he can't.  Getting him neutered would help in this situation.  That's the only thing I can think of as to why he is doing that.  It's kinda cute, I think.  He wants attention and thinks behaving badly will get it for him.  I know that can be very annoying though, so sorry to hear about it!

    If he is just doing it for attention then maybe playing with him with one of those fishing rod toys would wear him out enough for him to just sleep instead of yowl.  Playing with him more might be the answer.

  2. Mr. Taco is right, having him neutered will help.  When he is scheduled to be neutered, your vet will do a general exam and will let you know if there are any problems.

    If he is already neutered, I would still have a vet check just to make sure there are no problems.  He could be "talking" to let you know that all is not right.

    Siamese are known to be talkers.  Some of us love all the talking and for the rest, it's just something you may have to learn to live with.  

    Good Luck!

  3. Being very vocal is normal Siamese behavior.  (You should have researched the breed before getting one and gotten another breed if you didn't want  a vocal cat)   However is several years old and this behavior has just started you need to take him to the vet because it can be an indication of another problem  

  4. Have you had him fixed yet? That's a good first step. One other thing that works for cat behavior and doesn't hurt them is to squirt them with a water gun or shoot air at them from an air cleaner (like you use for a computer). Just don't get them in the face with the air one. Do that whenever it misbehaves, and it may stop. That said, part of it is just inherent in the breed. Siamese cats are loud. If you don't want a loud cat, you don't get a Siamese one!

    Good luck!

  5. There are some health reasons that a cat can become more vocal than normal.  One is being hyperthyroid, another is becoming deaf.  It's really time for a vet visit to rule out a health issue.  Siamese are very vocal, which I am sure you realize, but it sounds as though this is beyond that.  Spraying him with water is only punishing him for being Siamese, or being ill.  Neither one accomplishes anything, other than making him confused about why his family is punishing him when he's doing nothing wrong.

  6. Go to the vet and fix him, if he is not. Dont spray him with water or air for something as trivial a yelling. BTW, never use the stuff for cleaning computers on a living being, its not air but poison.

  7. I grew up with a siamese cat and there was honestly nothing we could do to stop him from screaming. He was fixed and everything, just VERY loud. When guests would come over they would think a baby was crying. I think you just have to accept the little screamer for what he is. I learned to just completely block him out, especially at night!

    They're so funny. I still know all of his 'different screams'. There was the "Im hungry", the "im afraid of the basement but i have to use the catbox there", the "im about to throw up", and the "im alone and bored". Believe it or not (I know this sounds crazy) but I can still imitate them perfectly haha. I swear they all existed and sounded differently, my sister and I would actually play 'guess what meow this is' when we were kids and imitate them!

  8. I have a little siamese girl about a year old. her meow when we first got her lasted about 3 months until i got her fixed. its not so bad now but she still screams when she wants my attention. Is your cat strictly an indoor cat? because I put my siamese on a leash (I know thats silly but its so cute) and i will sit on my porch and let her roam around and eat grass and chase birds. the reason for the leash is because she has a habit of hiding from me. Maybe you should play more or let him play outside? he is obviously trying to get attention. he could be just bored as h**l...Good luck

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