Sorry to post a repeat question, however..
I've read every post on here and many other sites on how to do it and nothing has worked yet. I have had 3 other ferrets and never run into one that was this stubborn.
I've tried the following:
putting things in the way of corners without boxes (food, toys, bedding, water, etc),
different sizes and shapes or litter boxes
boxes in each corner,
rewarding him for going in the box,
restricting his space until he uses it,
waiting until I see him get ready and placing him in the box,
putting some of his old p**p in the box,
moving the boxes to his most used corner,
shoe boxes,
different materials in the bottom of the cage,
apple bitters in the corners without boxes,
putting a small box inside a larger box,
changing types of litter,
keeping the cage and boxes extremely clean,
and a few other things I can't think of right now..
He's about 1 and is an avid digger- All the boxes are firmly attached to the cage for that reason.
Any ideas?