
How to load boot options menu in Vista?

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I'm trying to redo Vista on my Acer 5630 laptop, I did it before and it automatically booted from the disc, but now it won't and I don't know how to open the boot options menu. On my old laptop it was F11/F12 but it doesn't seem to work.

Can someone please help me?




  1. the key combination should come up before vista boots. it might be delete.

  2. The BIOS menu can sometimes be TAB, Delete or F12, it depends on the type of BIOS or hardware you have.

    Here's a short list:

    Delete: AMI or Award BIOS.

    Esc: Toshiba

    F1: Toshiba; Phoenix; some IBM PS/1 models

    F10: Compaq.

    F2: NEC.

    Insert: IBM PS/2

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