I've never had to switch jobs before. Usually i've finished assingments given to me by Temp agencies and then look for a new job. So when i finish a temporary job, i've had all the time and free time to look for a new job full time.
But this time it's different, i have student loans, car to pay, rent to pay and i have to make payments every month. If i quit my current job , then i'll have no money and i'll be in trouble.
My current job was advertised as a Scanning project assignment and we don't even do any scanning, it's mostly removing sttaples and preparing documents and listen to this.... CLEAN a dirty disgusting house: dust, vacuum , etc which is stupid cause i didn't sign up for that but whatever... i've stayed here cause if i didn't i woulnt have had any money. I've stayed in this job for 1 year and 1/2 believe it or not.
I believe i have skills to do something else. i mean i know i do. I dont use any of my skills and creativity in the current job so i really need to change jobs.
How can i do it. The only thing that pops into my mind is looking online and sending resumes by email. That way i won't need to take days off work and the money keeps coming.
Any tips?